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I also recall how many on the right were furious that trump accepted every condition for the debate - moderators who called him Hitler etc. any condition would have allowed Biden to back out. The debate undeniably showed Bidens decline

As undisciplined as Trump can be, it was brilliant. And the fact he’s being largely silent.
The real story about this whole Biden thing is that right-wingers have been pointing out his gaffes and dementia for years now, but it was dismissed by the media and pundits as "cheap fakes" and "misinformation." But they couldn't hide it at the debate and now the normie Democrats who don't read right-wing Twitter have realized Biden's too far gone to be effective.

It's amazing to see all the stories coming out now about how he can't work before 10 am or after 4 pm or whatever and all the encounters people have had where they said he's zoned out. They (the media) knew all about it and covered it up. Another "right-wing conspiracy theory" proven correct.
The krakens are coming
Yeah, I think they are going to have to embarrass him out
I also recall how many on the right were furious that trump accepted every condition for the debate - moderators who called him Hitler etc. any condition would have allowed Biden to back out. The debate undeniably showed Bidens decline

As undisciplined as Trump can be, it was brilliant. And the fact he’s being largely silent.
Yeah, I thought he was incapable of showing the patience and self control he had to not pounce on him and look like he was bullying
The real story about this whole Biden thing is that right-wingers have been pointing out his gaffes and dementia for years now, but it was dismissed by the media and pundits as "cheap fakes" and "misinformation." But they couldn't hide it at the debate and now the normie Democrats who don't read right-wing Twitter have realized Biden's too far gone to be effective.

It's amazing to see all the stories coming out now about how he can't work before 10 am or after 4 pm or whatever and all the encounters people have had where they said he's zoned out. They (the media) knew all about it and covered it up. Another "right-wing conspiracy theory" proven correct.
But the media is still pushing "Biden's policies have been great", "The economy is booming", "wage growth outpaces inflation" and these things we know to be lies. And that's enough for some to be fine with voting Democrat no matter what because of TDS and they actually believe these lies since only right wing stuff is correcting them.
Pass. The comments are filled with lefties. I can't keep getting sucked into this level of stupid. All the comments saying Kamala can win, delusions that Trump is going to destroy democracy (the same way he did in his first 4 years?), repeating blatant and easily fact checked lies. Blaming capitalism for gas prices. The pure amount of retarded shit I've read in the last 24 hours alone is enough for me to repeat, "Asteroid. Now"

Or war. Or another jab that is more effective at killing those dumb enough to take that job. I don't care how.
Pass. The comments are filled with lefties. I can't keep getting sucked into this level of stupid. All the comments saying Kamala can win, delusions that Trump is going to destroy democracy (the same way he did in his first 4 years?), repeating blatant and easily fact checked lies. Blaming capitalism for gas prices. The pure amount of retarded shit I've read in the last 24 hours alone is enough for me to repeat, "Asteroid. Now"

Or war. Or another jab that is more effective at killing those dumb enough to take that job. I don't care how.
It’s hilarious how mad they are. These guys spent weeks on Jan 6 and now they report truth they are raging