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Elon won't tweet me back. I asked why X still hides all this type of stuff in my "For You" suggestions. All I get is left wing propaganda. You have to know where to already look to even get this kind of information on how fucked up everything Biden related is.
I actually use the for you more than following now. It’s actually better but I’ve been pretty engaged since basketball season when I was kicked off the Reddit basketball forum for saying “Sandusky”

I think you can say “show less of this” and it learns but that does take effort and probably does skew lib
It's heavily, heavily skewed lib. Look at people with huge followers that are on the right that keep reporting their removal from the algorithm (for the most part). The right may not be censored like they were, but Elon is still letting the left control most of it.
Good point, the dems can always out shyster the pubs, but Trump’s pretty savvy, and so far, he hasn’t put his foot in his mouth too bad.
Given that they have clearly gotten away with outright fraud that has been exposed re: counting ballots, ballots disappearing or showing up way late by the thousands to change the results......I think it's entirely possible we see blatant voter fraud and not a fucking thing will be done about it. And if that happens, libs just might get the insurrection they though Jan 6 was.
It will be hilarious if making trump sit in court and covering him less so that less of his crazy talk is out there helps him.

Right now we have Joe Biden only doing prepared remarks and making crazy errors and clearly senile (like 20 in his morehouse speech alone) and an economy that is terrible compared to trump’s.

Stories like the alito flag trying to tie conservatives to insurrection (and tacitly racism) don’t seem to be falling when you have leftists everywhere rioting screaming for intifada and harassing Jews.

I’m sure they will be trying to play dirty the rest of the year but at least we have twitter for truth