Politics Politics


Starts off immediately saying not since the Civil War has freedom and democracy been so threated because Trump and his supporters are Hitler.

Then goes straight to pimping war. We have to stand with Ukraine and keep funding the war. He said "That's a quote" as he completely misquoted/made up a quote from Trump. Here goes the campaign speech. Now he's pimping NATO.

"I will not bow down. History is watching. Just like history was watching 3 years on January 6th"....on and on with more civil war/thread to democracy nonsense. He says the Right is seeking to oppress the truth about 1/6. Yeah, THEY'RE the ones "Political violence and no place, zero place in our democracy". I guess burning down cities and over taking city blocks of Seattle wasn't political violence compared to basically no one being harmed on 1/6 except by the police.

He somehow tied an Alabama woman wanting IVF to Roe V Wade? Then he admonishes and talks shit to SCOTUS for Roe V Wade. Rape and incest victims are being forced to have babies every day! (a lie) Says we found out how strong women are!!! He mumbled a lot here. He'll reverse Roe v Wade when re-elected (lies, if he could do it, he'd do it right now or have done it already).

COVID - He led one of the greatest comeback stories ever told. "Our economy is now the envy of the world" - WTF? We're the manufacturing capital of the world?

Inflation is down?

I can't take anymore right now.
I just did our net worth for the first time in 2 years since I had to go into accounts to get tax docs; actually it’s pretty good so I’m gonna vote for the old codger

Kamala stands up every other sentence during the speech. She must have missed leg day.

Biden, half way through, has slurred his words almost 30 times.

Biden says he's going to give $400/mo to families for 2 years to buy their first home or upgrade their home. So welfare for those with shitty jobs and as usual, the middle class gets fucked. And what's stopping you doing this now and not if you get re-elected?

Brags about student debt forgiveness and wants to expand on that. More stealing from tax payers to give to people who make poor decisions or ensure they go to college and take on debt anyway, just less.

He's going to change the tax card so everyone pays their "fair share". Sure you are.

He wants to extend the child tax credit that he did during COVID. You mean the tax credit that the IRS gave me and then made me pay it back at tax season?

Raise taxes on corporations. So they can move overseas, outsource more to our enemies, and pass the cost down to the consumers? Brilliant! A lot more speak on "making the wealthy pay their fair share" because billionaires don't pay enough. It's not like most of the taxes aren't already paid by the top 1%.

He literally just said his border package that got rejected was the best border security bill in history and conservatives loved it. All a lie since it didn't actually address the border crisis. A lot of babbling about how everyone comes from somewhere and we're all Americans! No, illegals aren't Americans. His entire spiel is purposefully misleading. The slurring is getting really bad.
Oh now he's pimping the equality act. Banning books is wrong! Books weren't banned, just kept out of schools. Equal voting rights! Uhhh? All citizens can vote. He rants about various forms of fraud in voting....You mean the ones your party commits?

The climate crisis. A bunch of nonsense. But hey, he put in a bunch of EV charging stations.....that the grid can't support in California.

Crime skyrocketed under Trump and he brought it back down! No, COVID lockdowns caused crimes to spike and the longer they were locked down, the worse it got.

He's going to end the scourge against women. Huh?

Gun control whining again. Knew it was coming. He claims Trump said, "just get over it" in response to a school shooting. More on terrorism/wars. We need to arm all the other countries and their citizens, but he demands a ban on "assault weapons" and high cap mags at home. Liberals are just brain dead.

We're going to build a pier at Israel so we can increase military assistance...he swears boots will never be on the ground. He says none are in Afghanistan. Lies. Says we must have a 2 state solution. So Palestine wins?

Says he put China in their place. Huh? Now he's saying "we" can end cancer. :facepalm:

And he ends with how he's all about equality, compassion, love, peace and not hate, vengeance, etc. Unless you're a Trump supporter, then you're called a domestic terrorist. You're called transphobic for not wanting kids mutilated. Yes, that's very peaceful and loving of you.
The official count is 113 times Biden stammered/slurred, etc. Not including the couple times he got confused and forget what he was saying for a second. The drugs clearly wore off as the speech wore on and it got much worse.
We need higher %. I don't care if it's the leftists that secede or us, just make it happen. I'd probably prefer for the the West coast and NY to secede and let the rest of us keep America. Alaska...meh.
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So Biden apologizes to the illegal who murdered Laken Riley for calling him an illegal during the SOTU, but not to Laken's family for calling her "Lincoln".

The very fact that he called him illegal to begin with shows that none of them believe what they're saying.
Special Investigator Robert Hur testifies that Biden's DOJ kept pressuring him to edit the findings re: classified documents before released to the public. Pure corruption. Biden is on record as telling his ghost writer some of what he's telling him was classified, but he needed the classified docs for his legacy and then the ghost writer edited that part out. DOJ threatens Hur and his family if he doesn't remove all that from the investigation. They also said his memory was too bad, so Biden isn't responsible for the whole classified documents thing.

Dems always get it both ways. Excuse his illegal shit by saying he's not of sound mind, but then saying he's still fit to be President. And the Pubs just let it happen.
Biden admin invited the biggest tiktok influencers to SOTU and gave them talking points to repeat on Tiktok. This wasn't advertised, they were ambushed with it at the event. The tiktoker there and ratting them out wanted no part of it and is being harassed by emails from the White House pressuring her to tiktok on their talking points. And it appears $$ is involved. This doesn't seem legal.

Nice way to spread propaganda to the idiots.
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Another illegal arrested for raping a minor. There's an oddly high rate of pedophilia among hispanics apparently.

On another note, my favorite tweet of the morning - Amazing how Georgia can count their votes in one night during a Primary Election but not during a General Election.