Politics Politics

UK Police given authority to seize "large" knives with a statement of how obscenely high their knife killing rate is.

But there's no such thing as a slippery slope, huh? Leftists would never! Once they get their AR-15 ban, they'll just magically stop there.
Biden said missile attacks on terrorists are meant to deter further attacks to slow things down. Not to kill the enemy, just to deter Iran and their militia groups to conducting further attacks on U.S. soldiers in the area.

The Pentagon has openly said they've given Biden every chance to come out hot and deal real blows to the terrorists. What a fucking coward.
UK Police given authority to seize "large" knives with a statement of how obscenely high their knife killing rate is.

But there's no such thing as a slippery slope, huh? Leftists would never! Once they get their AR-15 ban, they'll just magically stop there.
And ignore how many of those knifing people are a certain kind of immigrant
Did we miss Biden signed an EO to give Federal workers a 5.2% pay increase with no increase in budget to cover it.

So what do we think. Do people start getting fired? More likely, this will cause Dems to create a new bill laced with all kinds of corrupt shit to allegedly keep federal depts from firing, closing, or whatever.
its already nearly impossible to fire a federal employee. they have unions which are the bane of my existence. I hope trump hires some good lawyers to figure out ways around it. I'm all for wfh but they have zero accountability.
Maryland now trying to take Trump off the ballot citing insurrection even though he's never been charged or convicted of such.

Maryland's Congressman, IIRC, says any SCOTUS judge should recuse themselves or retire if they don't allow Trump to be removed from the ballot. :facepalm:
Some of Epstein documents released. As if there was ever any question that Clinton was one of the guys who liked the youngsters, this verified it.
So the Epstein list...one name redacted. Prince Andrew can't get his name redacted, so who has the juice to do that? It's definitely a liberal, it's definitely a President or close right? They'll claim national security as to why they had to redact that one name? It's a 14-16 letter name based on the comma spacing :lol:
This isn't really a full list. It's just a bunch of names listed in some of the court documents and depositions by Epstein's primary accuser, in a civil suit.

Most of it is pretty unremarkable.
This isn't really a full list. It's just a bunch of names listed in some of the court documents and depositions by Epstein's primary accuser, in a civil suit.

Most of it is pretty unremarkable.
It is....and the names doesn't mean they were banging kids. But if these names included Trump, it would have been released long ago and we'd see nothing but sensational headlines on MSM.
The documents released so far do not implicate Trump at all.

Epstein was rich and had a lot of connections to other rich and famous people in New York. So it's not surprising that there's photos of him and Maxwell with Trump or the Clintons or whomever. It's not surprising that other rich and famous people rode on his private jets - rich people lend them out to one another and they hitch rides with one another on a regular basis.

This is probably an unpopular opinion, but I think when it all comes out the number of celebrities who get identified as being involved with these victims is going to be small. Fewer than 10, maybe fewer than 5. I just don't think there's as much fire here as there is smoke - a lot of guilt by association, but not even very many accusations. The victims who have come forward have been pretty vocal but still haven't named too many folks. I think we'd have a good idea about who was involved by now if only through their statements and court filings.
Twitter says that that name has been released already in the past and for some reason is redacted now. Can't remember who they said it was some hotel guy or something..maybe Sidney something or other.