Politics Politics

Kudos to Rep Stefanik for pointing out the hypocrisy and shallowness of ivy league "codes of conduct"

if you haven't watched this please do. Its against the code of conduct to allow Matt Walsh to speak on campus or to kick a kid out for making a trans joke, but threaten to kill people for their religion? It depends!
Kudos to Rep Stefanik for pointing out the hypocrisy and shallowness of ivy league "codes of conduct"

if you haven't watched this please do. Its against the code of conduct to allow Matt Walsh to speak on campus or to kick a kid out for making a trans joke, but threaten to kill people for their religion? It depends!

Amazing. Did they get together beforehand to coordinate their repeating the exact same thing. The best part is on the 2nd woman who basically says it's not a violation until they actually start murdering. I'd like to see the fulll thing. Does Stefanik ask, "Why does saying 'a Man can't have babies" fall under harassment and bullying, not simply making a statement? Why is it ok to call for the genocide of a race and not to state biological fact?"
this is the new dem standard. Propose even more ridiculous schemes and then settle for just 10s of billions instead of hundreds.
Here's what is pissing me off. Had to verbally bitch slap some conservatives over this topic yesterday.

Prior, Conservatives always had 2 responds re: loan forgiveness. First was in relation to the them being responsible and paying back their loans. The other was about truck drivers, plumbers, etc. who never went to college having to pay for those who did. Both valid concerns. However, yesterday I saw many conservatives demanding a reimbursement for their student loans now. Naturally I asked them, "So your response to stealing from tax payers to pay off loans for shit birds is to steal A SECOND TIME from tax payers who never went to college. I guess 2 wrongs do make a right if it benefits you".

I don't give a fuck how responsible or irresponsible you are with your loans or if you got a good or shitty degree. Other tax payers, especially those who never went to college, should not be giving a fucking dime towards that. I've been looked down upon and talked to condescendingly by liberals and cons for being uneducated even though I've made more money then every single one, whether it was a BS or PhD and I don't get a damn cent of tax benefits, reimbursement, or any of that shit. All I get is to pay higher taxes. So fuck every god damn one of them.

I won't shed one tear if our major cities get nuked. Side note - FBI is warning of a high threat level leading up to Christmas. Allegedly, it's not just the time of year, but a ton of bright blinking warning lights, the same kinds they ignored leading up to 9/11. No idea if that's legit or not, I mean they did call us straight white men who value the Constitution to be domestic terrorists and the biggest thread to this country, so I take the FBI's word with a grain of salt.
Haven't seen it all yet, but Meghan Kelly doing a great job bashing the liberals in the form of a question.

Vivek of course killing it. The rest sounds like retards, Haley is outright lying. Ron does good, but the charisma of Vivek overshadows him. By a lot.
Back to the debate. Haley is lying so badly that even DeSantis and Vivek teamed up on her. She blatantly said she wants everyone to be registered on social media so no one can be anonymous. I commented on it last time. That was what, 2 weeks ago? She's denying it and saying she only ever said she'll get bots and porn off social media. It was great seeing DeSantis and Vivek both call her out. Haley on pro war, we need to attack Iran because they approved Hamas, then she tied in to Russia because Hamas' attack was on Putin's birthday. That was a signal that we need to go harder in Ukraine as well.

Vivek: Haley can't even name 3 Provinces in Ukraine. Moments later, "See, look at her blank expression". :lol: He just destroys her over and over.
The crowd, if it's even real, is stacked with establishment GOP. Every other debate when FoxNews wasn't hosting, people cheered Vivek. Now, Vivek and DeSantis often get booed and they cheer Haley. Seems sketch. Meghan asks some good and harsh questions, but as the show goes on, every time she mentions Trump, she intentionally misquotes and takes Trump's words out of context. They're attacking Trump because he's not there to correct their bullshit. The show I'm listening to will play or read Trump's actual quote and shows FoxNews has gone full MSNBC re: Trump.

Chris mcfatty. Invisible on stage. No one cares he's there. He said he trusts parents to do whatever they deem is right for their children. This is answering to "Should the government tell parents they can't mutilate or give hormone blockers to children". Meghan points out that Chris supported the schools right to hide preferred pronouns by children from their parents. Bomb Iran, send more money to Ukraine, Pro trans kids. How is he called a Republican?

Easily Desantis' best showing, Vivek still wins (even though Fox tried to ignore him and cut him off). The best part of the debate. "Nikki, I don't have a woman problem. Nikki has a corruption problem" and holds up

Seeing reports of a lot of Chinese cyber attacks around the country on critical infrastructure (water plants, gas pipelines, airports, etc) that have been buried or ignored by the MSM. We heard about 2 or 3 of them? Government expects it to worsen this year.

Rumble currrently under cyber attack; CEO says it's political.
this is the thing that makes me laugh the most

"Some early unofficial initiatives — like the Biden administration’s effort last year to enlist the FTC in its dubious quest to blame inflation on anticompetitive industries — appear to have died a quiet death. "

yeah because if companies were actually colluding to raise prices its illegal and they would be charging them - and the US generally wins those cases! but its a lie to coverup massive government spending and mismanagement that are largely the cause of inflation. They say "corporate greed" but then don't bring any cases because there simply aren't any.
Read it, who could have guessed things would go wrong. They should look at all these appointees that hated the agency before being put to run it. Guessing it’ll be a lot of the same.