Politics Politics

This is one of the main problems with having 100000k federal regulations with thousands of new ones all the time. Not only is it inflationary, it also means that everyone, but certainly businesses are likely not following one or more because they are unclear and conflict with each other. I'm not talking about basic consumer safety and environmental protection which everyone accepts, but in the weeds ones that maybe only a few lawyers understand and even then there is debate. This means that if the government wants to go after a political opponent they can pick and chose how to enforce.

Ignore real threats like a wide open southern border, and go after "right wing catholics" aka old women praying near an abortion clinic.
I feel like we'd be hearing a lot more about this if it was an R.

Apparently this guy had a lot of very creepy questionable stuff in his social media well before Cardin's office hired him. Its weird they didn't bother looking or saw it and didn't think posting pics of oneself covered in cum was objectionable
I feel like we'd be hearing a lot more about this if it was an R.

Apparently this guy had a lot of very creepy questionable stuff in his social media well before Cardin's office hired him. Its weird they didn't bother looking or saw it and didn't think posting pics of oneself covered in cum was objectionable

You don't say.

also this clearly gay fellow shouted free palestine at a jewish member of congress.

give me the most tinfoil hat qanon maga over this Berkley grad for intelligence
Guys has there been any discussion that there’s proof the Biden family has been making money for decades and allowing cash to change policy votes? It’s even being reported in the msm. How long has this been common knowledge

Please have a money trail to Joe, easy to argue the goobers in that family were just using Joe's name without his knowledge if there isn't any money going to him.
Guys has there been any discussion that there’s proof the Biden family has been making money for decades and allowing cash to change policy votes? It’s even being reported in the msm. How long has this been common knowledge

No discussion, but like 52 said, I sure hope they can nail Joe for this. And not just impeachment or keep him from running, but fucking prison. I want him to die in there.
I was arguing this with vd and 9508 back when Bobulinski came forward saying 10% to the big guy was Joe.

And does anybody believe the 200k check from Jim to Joe was a "loan repayment"? I don't. And if it was why doesn't he produce the loan to Jim check and put it to rest?

More likely it was Joe getting his cut of letting his name and supposed favor being used by his brother.

In 2018, James Biden received $600,000 in loans from, Americore—a financially distressed and failing rural hospital operator.

According to bankruptcy court documents, James Biden received these loans “based upon representations that his last name, ‘Biden,’ could ‘open doors’ and that he could obtain a large investment from the Middle East based on his political connections.”

On March 1, 2018, Americore wired a $200,000 loan into James and Sara Biden’s personal bank account – not their business bank account.

And then on the very same day, James Biden wrote a $200,000 check from this same personal bank account to Joe Biden.

James Biden wrote this check to Joe Biden as a “loan repayment.” Americore—a distressed company—loaned money to James Biden who then sent it to Joe Biden.
Colorado Supreme Court rules Trump disqualified Trump from appearing on the GOP Primaries.

So that means, most likely, there's no chance they put him on the POTUS election.

Civil War?
Supreme Court will overturn it. He hasn't even been found guilty of anything yet.
absolutely no one has been convicted of insurrection related to jan 6, let alone trump. Dems dont care how this will impact them. Right now using the same logic could disqualify Biden on corruption, Iran payments, open border, allowing terrorism, etc.
absolutely no one has been convicted of insurrection related to jan 6, let alone trump. Dems dont care how this will impact them. Right now using the same logic could disqualify Biden on corruption, Iran payments, open border, allowing terrorism, etc.
They don't see it that way. Everything Biden does is peachy and not sketchy at all to Libs. It's all political slander! Trump is the real devil.
oh also I don't know anyone who knows the senate hearing room boofer, he seems to unimportant.

One thing that has come up is what a narcissist this person is and how many young dems are like this. Hill staffers of either party I know (and I work with lots of former ones) is the idea that their job is to help the congressperson. They believe in this person and their mission and that's their focus beyond personal issues. This is sort of the natural result of leftist ideals, that immediate gratification is more important than anything.
Just when you thought it couldn’t get weirder - the Politico reporter who tried to bury the Capitol Hill boofer and banged a santos staffer to get a scoop also has an onlyfans page.

Colorado Republican Party says they'll withdraw from the Colorado Primary and convert to caucuses if Trump isn't put back on the ballot.

California is next up for removing Trump.

I'm convinced the Dems are doing this hoping for Conservatives to be the first one to fire shots. They talk about civil war, they push all the buttons trying to make one happen, but don't have the balls to act on their desires. They keep waiting for Cons to snap and start it, making them the villains. I don't think Cons have the balls to do it either though. Someone just do it already, the victor will write the history and the commie bastards will be extinguished. Someone start PewPewing.