Politics Politics

Watching the Republican debate from last night. Vivek is fucking killing it and I'm only 15 minutes in. He starts off by hammering the NBC hosts for their lies, contribution to stealing an election by spreading misinformation like Russian collusion and suppressing the Hunter laptop story. He destroys Nikki Haley by pointing out her history of being a nobody, joining the Military Industrial Complex, and then becoming a multi-millionaire by supporting and promoting war (he cites her entire damn history). Haley goes on and on about Zelensky being a beacon of Democracy, a good guy, and Putin is a thug. Vivek destroys her about all the Dictator style moves Zelensky is made (removing all media opposition, arresting opponents, saying he won't hold anymore elections without more money from the U.S., on and on). It's astonishing how Haley goes on to show full support for helping Ukraine in the war right after Vivek points out she's making loads of money with that war.

Tim Scott, I like the guy well enough, but he has zero chance. Fatty needs to just stay home with his ice cream, he doesn't say anything even remotely intelligent. Haley, puke. DeSantis can say good things, but whoever is running his campaign his horrendous. He went from hot commodity to a joke with stupid ass decisions, like his staff is actually trying to sabotage him. DeSantis is right though when he said Trump owes it to people to be in these debates. Doe she need to? No. But we'd all love to see him lay waste to them.

Based solely on the debates and IF Trump couldn't run, Vivek is just awesome. That doesn't translate to a successful Presidency or selecting the right people, but he sure talks a good game and pulls no punches.
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Yeah, Israel gives a fuck what spoiled American kids do or think.

A Hamas leader recently said, flat out, he has no interest in anything other than war with Israel. It's not even to occupy land, it's war.
I mean you have two countries having a border dispute. one is a western democracy and the other supports sharia law and the absolute destruction of the other. The superior military tries to take out insurgents and avoid civilian deaths. the other just killed 1400 people, mostly civilians. Cease fire is supporting the bad guys.
Ronna McDaniel, Chairman of RNC, goes full meltdown at the last debate. Loudly saying Vivek is trash and he won't get a cent from the Party. He's an asshole, he's this and that. Making up complete lies about him, saying whatever she has to. She hates him, just like Trump, because he's anti-war, anti-establishment.

Trump says Tucker would be a great VP choice for him.
Asheville had a bunch of pro Palestinian supporters downtown, most were early 20’s fat white kids, i guess they took a break from their door dash career. Honestly, i wanted to go slap the piss out of them, not that i care about the conflict, but because they’re entitled lazy fucks looking for something to be pissed off about, because they’re fat, ugly, and nobody will fk them, not even their “trans” buddies.
Asheville had a bunch of pro Palestinian supporters downtown, most were early 20’s fat white kids, i guess they took a break from their door dash career. Honestly, i wanted to go slap the piss out of them, not that i care about the conflict, but because they’re entitled lazy fucks looking for something to be pissed off about, because they’re fat, ugly, and nobody will fk them, not even their “trans” buddies.
Good summary of leftists.
Biden pushes for FCC to pass a bunch of regulations "In the name of digital equity" that would give the government full control over how the internet operates.

Basically, fuck your 1st Amendment.
Hilary on the View says it would be the end of our country if Trump won again.

Uhhh...our country was at it's best in at least 10 years under Trump and she said the same old shit that Trump would ruin the country and world. Amazing strong the TDS still is despite the facts.
Hilary on the View says it would be the end of our country if Trump won again.

Uhhh...our country was at it's best in at least 10 years under Trump and she said the same old shit that Trump would ruin the country and world. Amazing strong the TDS still is despite the facts.
what exactly do they claim bad happened under trump? or are they blaming biden's many failures on Republicans and trump?
Nikki Haley says if she were Pres - "Every social media account will be required to be verified to a real name as a national security threat".

Guess she never heard of Silence Dogood. I'd love for left wing cowards and doxers to not be able to hide, but not that way.
Nikki Haley says if she were Pres - "Every social media account will be required to be verified to a real name as a national security threat".

Guess she never heard of Silence Dogood. I'd love for left wing cowards and doxers to not be able to hide, but not that way.
Yeah this is bullshit.
He's 5 and 0 in his MMA career. :icon-lol: Roids or not, he's got no shortage of testosterone.

In fairness, this incident wasn't on him. He only called out O'Brien's cowardice for challenging him online and said if you really want to do it, let's go.
His staffers trying to stay serious behind him were hilarious