Politics Politics

ufgators68 said:
Such nice people. We should turn in our guns.


Bruce Springsteen’s E Street Band Guitarist Steven Van Zandt Deletes Call to ‘Exterminate’ GOP ‘Cockroaches’

Meanwhile most people wouldn't even know who he is if he didn't star as a woman beating/killing gangster in the Sopranos.
Apparently Biden basically admitted they (and this is using tax payer dollars) would have a slew of employees whose sole job is to sit online pushing agendas or more notably, paying off internet "influencers" to do their bidding (ie, Malvaney)

How is that legal?
DocZaius said:

Can we really focus on the "Involuntary celibate" part of this? Is this saying that the losers who can't get laid are conservatives who want to kill people or they're liberals who are targeted by conservatives?
Juggs said:
DocZaius said:

Can we really focus on the "Involuntary celibate" part of this? Is this saying that the losers who can't get laid are conservatives who want to kill people or they're liberals who are targeted by conservatives?

this is part of the scare tactic about Jordon Peterson listeners. I think it would also include religiously conservative people like mormons because we know most terrorists are from that background.
Juggs said:
Apparently Biden basically admitted they (and this is using tax payer dollars) would have a slew of employees whose sole job is to sit online pushing agendas or more notably, paying off internet "influencers" to do their bidding (ie, Malvaney)

How is that legal?

essentially this is a lot of government workers, in particular enviro justice and climate corps. These are just like the patronage positions that do nothing but politics much like the corrupt NYC Tammany Hall and Daley's Chicago that we read about in history class that dems are bringing back with a vengance because they can because trump is so scary.

in pennsylvania their enviro justice act has the state hire community activists that will say go door to door in areas where there is a new facility that needs an air or water permit and even if there is no opposition to drum up opposition.
yeah we were close enough to chicago that it was very real. Our mayor was a D who ran the local driver's license office (patronage job) who made his employees do political calls. My mom was friends with one employee and when she objected he said he could have someone come down from chicago and break her legs. He also made her put political signs in her yard and me and my friends would go by and "liberate" them and she thought my mom was magic but no just had me

tl;dr: Government passes law requiring that food products containing sesame must be labeled as such. If your product doesn't contain sesame, then you have to take extreme measures to clean and inspect your factory to make sure there's no cross-contamination. Food industry tells the government that they're just going to start adding small amounts of sesame to otherwise sesame-free products because it's cheaper than certifying there's no cross-contamination. Government doesn't listen; law gets passed and now a bunch more products have sesame than they did before. People with sesame allergies now have to avoid more foods.
San Francisco Whole Foods closes just 1 year after opening due to crime. Good job San Fran!

Also, a journo said Democrats are not to blame for the drug addicts attacking citizens and robbing stores blind. It's because of Trump's attitude that embolden the criminals. Wow...
KJP in one of those awesome press conferences of hers repeats the lie that "Biden's assault weapons ban in the 90s directly resulted in less crime and crime rose when the bill expired".

Where are the fact checkers here to show the DOJ's own report that says that isn't true at all? More blatant lies by the Biden admin and no one even questions it.
House Judiciary discovers the FBI has been cultivating relationships within the Catholic Church to get Priests to report on their parishioners due to radical Catholic ideology that makes them domestic terrorists.
The UK government apparently has labeled those who read Tolkien, CS Lewis, Orwell, among others as domestic terrorists.

Trump's statement on saying Biden can't run again while basically flat out saying that biden is senile is hilarious.

Senator Tim Scott (all I know is he's a black guy who's anti-woke and has a great commercial). Mitt Romney filed to run for President.
So, they can find the classified document leaker in 24 hours, out of thousands of people, but still can't find the SCOTUS leaker, out of a couple dozen.

Yeah, nothing sus about that.
Panamag8or said:
So, they can find the classified document leaker in 24 hours, out of thousands of people, but still can't find the SCOTUS leaker, out of a couple dozen.

Yeah, nothing sus about that.

its my understanding that printers at any secure government area has codes imprinted so its pretty easy to narrow down - that's how they caught the lady at NSA a few years ago. If SCOTUS doesn't have that by now they should.

However, it does seem awfully handy they nabbed a racist right when they needed one.
Manchin said, "We've never been in a more justified war".

Uhhh...what? 1) We're not in a war, legally. Did Congress declare war that we haven't heard about it? 2) How exactly is Ukraine more justified than say, WWI or WWII?
As comes as a surprise to none of us, race preferences harm more than help


This is so true of most liberal policies - the pretense of “caring” and fucking people over in reality
Evil gator said:
As comes as a surprise to none of us, race preferences harm more than help


This is so true of most liberal policies - the pretense of “caring” and fucking people over in reality

Something we've all known for years.
Evil gator said:
As comes as a surprise to none of us, race preferences harm more than help


This is so true of most liberal policies - the pretense of “caring” and fucking people over in reality
This is an opinion article from a right-leaning organization.

But the premise that race should play no part in determining who gets into college, I wholeheartedly agree with. Any actual harm to the minority getting preference over the white applicant I think is rare and probably overstated.