Politics Politics

The WHO has proposed a Pandemic Treaty that if these stupid Nations sign off, they basically own us. They'd have free reign to take money from countries and impose any measures they see fit.

If we even consider accepting just a corrupt attempt at taking over the world, we better revolt.
Evil gator said:
WIGator said:
Evil gator said:
As comes as a surprise to none of us, race preferences harm more than help


This is so true of most liberal policies - the pretense of “caring” and fucking people over in reality
This is an opinion article from a right-leaning organization.

Um no the hill is if anything left leaning, they just once in a while allow a centrist opinion. And this opinion is actually based on research.
I was talking about the Pacific Legal Foundation, but, hey....just keep on with your grift to torment Juggs into fits. It's sad all of these rubes can't grasp what you're doing here...or perhaps you are legitimately this stupid.
Matt Walsh, Tim Pool and others on the same day had videos removed, red flags added, or completely demonetized (in Walsh's case) by Youtube. Walsh was told to respect all pronouns of transpeople or be banned completely.

Walsh is telling YT to fuck off, he'll lose the ad revenue before sacrificing his integrity. Pool will no doubt do whatever Youtube tells him to.
WIGator said:
Evil gator said:
WIGator said:
This is an opinion article from a right-leaning organization.

Um no the hill is if anything left leaning, they just once in a while allow a centrist opinion. And this opinion is actually based on research.
I was talking about the Pacific Legal Foundation, but, hey....just keep on with your grift to torment Juggs into fits. It's sad all of these rubes can't grasp what you're doing here...or perhaps you are legitimately this stupid.
Feel free to fuck off on out of here, cunt.
Tommy said:
WIGator said:
Evil gator said:
Um no the hill is if anything left leaning, they just once in a while allow a centrist opinion. And this opinion is actually based on research.
I was talking about the Pacific Legal Foundation, but, hey....just keep on with your grift to torment Juggs into fits. It's sad all of these rubes can't grasp what you're doing here...or perhaps you are legitimately this stupid.
Feel free to fuck off on out of here, cunt.

Back off, Tommy. This place ain't seen any action in a while. This could be fun. :lol:
DocZaius said:
We finally get a new user and you idiots want to run him off.

Like when I was in middle school. Friend had a birthday party and only one girl showed up. Couple idiots threw her in the pool and then she went home.
WIGator said:
Evil gator said:
WIGator said:
This is an opinion article from a right-leaning organization.

Um no the hill is if anything left leaning, they just once in a while allow a centrist opinion. And this opinion is actually based on research.
I was talking about the Pacific Legal Foundation, but, hey....just keep on with your grift to torment Juggs into fits. It's sad all of these rubes can't grasp what you're doing here...or perhaps you are legitimately this stupid.

how typically liberal of you, to attack the source and not the content, attack me and my fellow posters, and throw in the word "grift" nonsensically. I can feel the smug through the screen.
Evil gator said:
WIGator said:
Evil gator said:
Um no the hill is if anything left leaning, they just once in a while allow a centrist opinion. And this opinion is actually based on research.
I was talking about the Pacific Legal Foundation, but, hey....just keep on with your grift to torment Juggs into fits. It's sad all of these rubes can't grasp what you're doing here...or perhaps you are legitimately this stupid.

how typically liberal of you, to attack the source and not the content, attack me and my fellow posters, and throw in the word "grift" nonsensically. I can feel the smug through the screen.

Grift. Libs do love to redefine words and use them completely out of context :lol:
Tucker Carlson leaves Fox News. Not clear if voluntary, or if it's fallout from the Dominion settlement or what.

I've never been a fan but thats a wildly popular show. I mean I guess he can do his own podcast and videos but needs a network on would be youtube demonitized I would think. Maybe Daily Wire? back to CNN lol?
Evil gator said:
I've never been a fan but thats a wildly popular show. I mean I guess he can do his own podcast and videos but needs a network on would be youtube demonitized I would think. Maybe Daily Wire? back to CNN lol?

He used to have his own news website, not sure if he still does.
They don't even try to hide their bias and contempt. KJP does one of her terrible pressers to push their renewed green new deal nonsense, pimping stupid shit that doesn't work like clean tax credits. And on their comparison graphic, they flat out label it and she says it, "The MAGA House Republicans"....

So you're an evil MAGA person if you think the left wing climate change fear mongering is bullshit. Got it.
Panamag8or said:
Don Lemon out at CNN.
Poor guy... beaten by Tucker again.

I wonder if his recent civil war/slavery/race card tirade the other day had anything to do with it? Or just because he's been getting his ass handed to him on the daily for months now (at a minimum)