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52:20 said:
Evil gator said:
their "day of vengance" isn't canceled even after this happened.

Day of vengeance?
April 1st has been declared by the trans community as "Day of vengeance". Not Day of Justice for their delusional perceived hatred and injustices towards being trans...because someone calling them their actual sex is "violence"....so they're having a Day of Vengeance.

Like Pan and Starbucks, makes me want to put on my Redneck Nation 2A shirt and hang out at lefty places :lol:
Juggs said:
52:20 said:
Evil gator said:
their "day of vengance" isn't canceled even after this happened.

Day of vengeance?
April 1st has been declared by the trans community as "Day of vengeance". Not Day of Justice for their delusional perceived hatred and injustices towards being trans...because someone calling them their actual sex is "violence"....so they're having a Day of Vengeance.

Like Pan and Starbucks, makes me want to put on my Redneck Nation 2A shirt and hang out at lefty places :lol:
Jesus, can’t see this backfiring on them
52:20 said:
Juggs said:
52:20 said:
Day of vengeance?
April 1st has been declared by the trans community as "Day of vengeance". Not Day of Justice for their delusional perceived hatred and injustices towards being trans...because someone calling them their actual sex is "violence"....so they're having a Day of Vengeance.

Like Pan and Starbucks, makes me want to put on my Redneck Nation 2A shirt and hang out at lefty places :lol:
Jesus, can’t see this backfiring on them

How? The media isn't going to report any bad shit they do.

Like the mostly peaceful riots... where you see buildings burning in the background.
ufgators68 said:
52:20 said:
Juggs said:
April 1st has been declared by the trans community as "Day of vengeance". Not Day of Justice for their delusional perceived hatred and injustices towards being trans...because someone calling them their actual sex is "violence"....so they're having a Day of Vengeance.

Like Pan and Starbucks, makes me want to put on my Redneck Nation 2A shirt and hang out at lefty places :lol:
Jesus, can’t see this backfiring on them

How? The media isn't going to report any bad shit they do.

Like the mostly peaceful riots... where you see buildings burning in the background.

You are right about that, but I think there’s going to be a few of them that get knocked the fuck out if they fuck around with the wrong people. I’m sure the news will report of that if it happens though.
Police reinforce they won't release the manifesto from the shooter.

People close to the family say it was caused by the strict Christian parents refused to let her dress like a boy or call her by her chosen name in their $700,000 home. She changed once she left the house. Neighbors say she was a tomboy all her life, a skater.

So there you have it. Another tomboy who bought into, I'm a loser skater type and a tomboy, so to be liked I have to pretend I'm the opposite sex. Now the odd part is.....You'd think she'd have killed her parents first instead.

The FBI also says there's no evidence this is not a hate crime.

More disturbing: Reporter asks Biden, "Do you think the shooter targeted Christians". Biden, "I have no idea". Reporter - "Senator Josh Hawley says they were". Biden replies, "Well then I probably don't then". and LAUGHS. Good job, Biden. Laughing about it and making your stance because a Republican states the obvious - That she targeted Christians.
And to no surprise, TikTok is full of videos seeing they deserve it and Trans people need to fight, get violent, and continue this or they'll die anyway.

Press Secretary of Arizona yesterday posted a tweet that says "Us when we see transphobes" with an imagine of a woman holding 2 guns. Holy. Fuck.
Irish Mike said:
And everyone knows if it was an anti-trans shooter with an anti-trans manifesto, it would have been released the next day.
The same day.

Side note - I've yet to see any trans person assaulted or shot. Where is this violence they keep talking about? We know damn well if there was even one instance of it, we'd see it on the news 24/7
Juggs said:
Irish Mike said:
And everyone knows if it was an anti-trans shooter with an anti-trans manifesto, it would have been released the next day.
The same day.

Side note - I've yet to see any trans person assaulted or shot. Where is this violence they keep talking about? We know damn well if there was even one instance of it, we'd see it on the news 24/7

It's a literal genocide out there, Juggs
Shooter under Dr's care for an emotional disorder per The Hill.

Now we're going to get into the slippery slope of Red Flag laws and what "disorders" are worthy of taking guns or prohibit from buying.
Juggs said:
People close to the family say it was caused by the strict Christian parents refused to let her dress like a boy or call her by her chosen name in their $700,000 home. She changed once she left the house. Neighbors say she was a tomboy all her life, a skater.

She was 28 years old. At a certain point, I think you just have to say "fuck off" to your parents.
Juggs said:
Irish Mike said:
And everyone knows if it was an anti-trans shooter with an anti-trans manifesto, it would have been released the next day.
The same day.

Side note - I've yet to see any trans person assaulted or shot. Where is this violence they keep talking about? We know damn well if there was even one instance of it, we'd see it on the news 24/7

Of course there's no epidemic of hate-murders against trans people. Like most demographic categories, trans people are victimized mostly by people they know. Here's a good article that sums up some of the data: https://mercatornet.com/is-there-really-an-epidemic-of-violence-against-transgender-people/81832/ . Here's a highlight:

But apart from trans activists and a handful of sceptics, there has been scant study of the epidemiology of trans violence in academic journals. So the publication of an article entitled “Demographic and Regional Factors Associated With Reporting Homicides of Transgender People in the United States” in the Journal of Surgical Research this month comes as a welcome reality check.

The researchers used data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s National Violent Death Reporting System. They described it as: “a definitive source of information on homicides of transgender people.”

But, as the HRC has repeatedly complained, transgender murder victims were sometimes misclassified in this database. So they adjusted the figures by adding data from law enforcement and medical evaluators. They found that between 2003 and 2018 the NVDRS contained 101 murders of transgender people, but that it had omitted 46 others. So, all told, there were 147 murders of transgender people in those 16 years.

The final result confirmed the idea that most of the victims are black, 54%, compared to 40% of all murder victims.

However, the researchers’ comparison of the characteristics of these 147 deaths with all homicides does contain some surprises.

  • Although Southerners are reputed to be transphobic rednecks, only 13.6% of homicides of transgender people were in the South compared to 30% of non-transgender homicides.
  • Transgender murder victims were more likely to be victims of intimate partner violence — 14.0% versus 9.3%.
  • They were far more likely to be sex workers — 9.5% versus 0.2% –almost 50 times as likely.
  • More one in four of the victims had a history of mental health problems — 26.5% versus 11.3%.
  • Only 6% of the murders were classified as hate crimes – about nine in 16 years. This was far more as a percentage than amongst non-transgender homicides, but far lower than portrayed in the media.

But the most astonishing finding is this: transgender homicides are far less common than homicides in the population as a whole. The article states: “Further, although transgender individuals constitute approximately 0.6% of the population, transgender victims make up a significantly smaller portion of the NVDRS (0.1%).

Trannies are more likely to be sex workers, mentally ill and associate with other people like them. Despite this, they are actually LESS likely to be murdered than the general population.

Full article because of WSJ paywall:

Democrats are denouncing the House GOP investigation into the weaponization of government, but maybe that’s because Republicans are getting somewhere. That includes new evidence that the Internal Revenue Service may be targeting a journalist who testified before the weaponization committee.

House Judiciary Chairman Jim Jordan sent a letter Monday to IRS Commissioner Daniel Werfel and Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen seeking an explanation for why journalist Matt Taibbi received an unannounced home visit from an IRS agent. We’ve seen the letter, and both the circumstances and timing of the IRS focus on this journalist raise serious questions.

Mr. Taibbi has provoked the ire of Democrats and other journalists for his role in researching Twitter records and then releasing internal communications from the social-media giant that expose its censorship and its contacts with government officials. This effort has already inspired government bullying, with Chair Lina Khan’s Federal Trade Commission targeting new Twitter owner Elon Musk and demanding the company “identify all journalists” granted access to the Twitter files.

Now Mr. Taibbi has told Mr. Jordan’s committee that an IRS agent showed up at his personal residence in New Jersey on March 9. That happens to be the same day Mr. Taibbi testified before the Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government about what he learned about Twitter. The taxman left a note instructing Mr. Taibbi to call the IRS four days later. Mr. Taibbi was told in a call with the agent that both his 2018 and 2021 tax returns had been rejected owing to concerns over identity theft.

Mr. Taibbi has provided the committee with documentation showing his 2018 return had been electronically accepted, and he says the IRS never notified him or his accountants of a problem after he filed that 2018 return more than four-and-a-half years ago.

He says the IRS initially rejected his 2021 return, which he later refiled, and it was rejected again—even though Mr. Taibbi says his accountants refiled it with an IRS-provided pin number. Mr. Taibbi notes that in neither case was the issue “monetary,” and that the IRS owes him a “considerable” sum.

The bigger question is when did the IRS start to dispatch agents for surprise house calls? Typically when the IRS challenges some part of a tax return, it sends a dunning letter. Or it might seek more information from the taxpayer or tax preparer. If the IRS wants to audit a return, it schedules a meeting at the agent’s office. It doesn’t drop by unannounced.

The curious timing of this visit, on the heels of the FTC demand that Twitter turn over names of journalists, raises questions about potential intimidation, and Mr. Jordan is right to want to see documents and communications relating to the Taibbi visit.

The fear of many Americans is that, flush with its new $80 billion in funding from Congress, the IRS will unleash its fearsome power against political opponents. Mr. Taibbi deserves to know why the agency decided to pursue him with a very strange house call.
DocZaius said:
Juggs said:
People close to the family say it was caused by the strict Christian parents refused to let her dress like a boy or call her by her chosen name in their $700,000 home. She changed once she left the house. Neighbors say she was a tomboy all her life, a skater.

She was 28 years old. At a certain point, I think you just have to say "fuck off" to your parents.

Yeah, what was a 28 year old doing living home? She was clearly mentally disabled to some extent if she can't function on her own at that point