Politics Politics

DocZaius said:
Colorado gay club shooter claims to be non-binary, uses they/them pronouns.

Going to be buried quickly. Guessing he was an outcast in that community as well and was pissed.
Watch the media narrative fall apart in real time...

52:20 said:
DocZaius said:
Colorado gay club shooter claims to be non-binary, uses they/them pronouns.

Going to be buried quickly. Guessing he was an outcast in that community as well and was pissed.

There's a club if you'd like to go
You could meet somebody who really loves you
So you go and you stand on your own
And you leave on your own
And you go home and you cry
And you want to die

yeah same with the walmart shooter near Norfolk - former employee. So now its the gun's fault.

Not the liberal DA who did nothing with this person who was clearly a danger.
Shocking. They want to distance themselves as much as possible because surely one of "them" couldn't do such a thing.

How do you diffierentiate a man from non-binary. Non-binary doesn't have to look like any sex, it's just how they mentally feel. That's not the same as trans who tries to act (and maybe look) like the opposite sex.
not sure if this has been posted:
  • At least 16 Chinese policy experts’ profiles disappeared from the website of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace around Nov. 18 after the Daily Caller News Foundation revealed the nonprofit had employed members of Chinese Communist Party (CCP) intelligence front groups on Nov. 11.
  • Carnegie did not respond to multiple requests for comment and it remains unclear why the profiles were removed.
  • “The CCP has worked diligently to infiltrate American think tanks,” Florida Republican Rep. Michael Waltz told the DCNF.
  • “It’s past time for Congress to investigate this corrupt organization,” Texas Republican Rep. Lance Gooden told the DCNF.
Over a dozen current and former Chinese policy experts’ profiles disappeared from the website of a prominent Washington, D.C., think tank roughly a week after the Daily Caller News Foundation revealed the nonprofit had employed members of Chinese intelligence front groups of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).
At least 16 expert profiles were scrubbed on the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace’s website at some point following Nov. 18, the DCNF determined after reviewing the 20 profiles of individuals identified in August as CCP members as well as more than a dozen expert profiles whom the DCNF revealed on Nov. 11 belonged to front groups controlled by either the Ministry of State Security (MSS) or the intelligence arm of the People’s Liberation Army (PLA). For example, the DCNF discovered that searching an archived version of Carnegie’s website for Zhou Qi — an expert whom the DCNF identified as a member of the CCP and multiple MSS fronts — retrieved her Carnegie profile as late as Nov. 18, but that beginning around Nov. 23, the same search on the web returned a “Page Not Found” error. 
Yet, it remains unclear why Carnegie removed the profiles and whether or not the nonprofit continues to employ the experts. Neither Carnegie’s Washington, D.C., headquarters nor its China office responded to the DCNF’s requests for comment.

Think Tank Scrubs Website After DCNF Reveals Experts’ Chinese Intel And Communist Party Ties | The Daily Caller
Biden on Thanksgiving, "To allow the purchase of semi-automatic weapons is just sick. It's sick. It overs no social media value". 

I guess it's a good thing gun owners don't give a fuck about the social media value of their firearms.  Speaking of, another purchase this week...5 more AR mags and more than enough 5.56 green tips to fill them (armor piercing up to class IIIA)
Biden, "We're in good shape despite price hike" as 1 in 3 Americans said they can't/didn't celebrate Thanksgiving because of inflation. 

Saudi says they won't sell oil to countries who put price caps on Russian oil. China and India getting 30% discount for not putting sanctions on Russia. 

Also, thanks Biden

Wait, is this real? I can't find the story on any mainstream outlets but that doesn't mean it's not true - we all know they rarely cover shit like this.

There's a complaint that they are quoting from.
I googled it and there is nothing about it, except from two minor sources. Figures.
20 billion of the money sent to Ukraine has disappeared. Biden team trying to find it  as Republicans prepare for an audit. Biden admin reportedly only inspected 10% of the firearms we sent to Ukraine. 

Gee, who didn't see that coming? 

Zelensky asking for like 50 billion more. 38 billion of that he says he needs to balance his deficit for next year. 

Ummm....what about OUR deficit? Pay for your own god damn war. Why the fuck should our tax payers pay more, our country go further and further into an impossible to recover debt, to pay for someone else's deficit? The stupidity of all of this is :s uicide: 
Evil gator said:
Panamag8or said:
There's a complaint that they are quoting from.
I googled it and there is nothing about it, except from two minor sources. Figures.

being reported by a lot of news outlets in my feed

The story seems to have picked up steam now.  The incident happened back in September.
DocZaius said:
Evil gator said:
Panamag8or said:
There's a complaint that they are quoting from.
I googled it and there is nothing about it, except from two minor sources. Figures.

being reported by a lot of news outlets in my feed

The story seems to have picked up steam now.  The incident happened back in September.
lol why aren't we hearing about it?  I'm sure if it was a trump appointee politico would have been over that shit in an instant.
The Biden admin once again counts on its voters to be too stupid to understand how things work

Juggs said:
20 billion of the money sent to Ukraine has disappeared. Biden team trying to find it  as Republicans prepare for an audit. Biden admin reportedly only inspected 10% of the firearms we sent to Ukraine. 

Gee, who didn't see that coming? 

Zelensky asking for like 50 billion more. 38 billion of that he says he needs to balance his deficit for next year. 

Ummm....what about OUR deficit? Pay for your own god damn war. Why the fuck should our tax payers pay more, our country go further and further into an impossible to recover debt, to pay for someone else's deficit? The stupidity of all of this is :s uicide: 
Zelensky can F right off