Politics Politics

Panamag8or said:
Dafuq is this?
Watch to the end.


Fetterman is no Mean Joe Green
Why would they add that? I would have missed it except the audio kept playing when I scrolled down.

I actually thought it was a good ad up until then. I mean no substance like all the dems....surprised he didn't mention abortion rights....but at least he appeared "with it" and likeable.
pg. said:
Why would they add that? I would have missed it except the audio kept playing when I scrolled down.

I actually thought it was a good ad up until then. I mean no substance like all the dems....surprised he didn't mention abortion rights....but at least he appeared "with it" and likeable.

He appeared with it as he leaned against the wall to limp down the hallway? It was a clsuterfuck from get go
Yeah, his bitch about these elections coming up is that the dems were not as aggressive getting their message out as they needed to be. He is the tip of the spear for their ideocracy. People know exactly what their message is and they are coming out in droves to tell you that it's crazy. Keep it up though, it's good for my team.
Absolute buffoon working to make us poorer and the us weaker for his own and his donors enrichment. Lies upon lies. I hole he burns in hell

52:20 said:
Yeah, his bitch about these elections coming up is that the dems were not as aggressive getting their message out as they needed to be. He is the tip of the spear for their ideocracy. People know exactly what their message is and they are coming out in droves to tell you that it's crazy. Keep it up though, it's good for my team.

Total agreement here.

"Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake." - Napoleon Bonaparte
52:20 said:
Yeah, his bitch about these elections coming up is that the dems were not as aggressive getting their message out as they needed to be. He is the tip of the spear for their ideocracy. People know exactly what their message is and they are coming out in droves to tell you that it's crazy. Keep it up though, it's good for my team.

Exactly. We see how it's going in Canada and that's where Gavin has taken California (even though the last few weeks, SCOTUS has been smacking down his unconstitutional gun laws)

On the woke note, military whistleblowers (who have been demoted, grounded, or dismissed for doing so) are exposing that the government has been hiding negative effects of the vax on active duty military. The military's own coding system tracking health issues has seen a sharp increase in miscarriages, myocarditis, and a few other things since the vax. Big lawsuit filed.

The video starts right on the % increase for a variety of medical issues table. Over 10x fold increase.

Good job RINO twats. Under the red flag law in the gun bill that RINO's signed off this year, 18-20 year olds are now required by ATF to wait an additional 10 days for further investigation into them before purchasing a rifle/shotgun. That wasn't advertised in the bill that I recall
Oregon vote in November: Bill would require every citizen to apply for a permit, more extensive background checks, mandatory training classes, and .......Required to be in a state registry. For ALL firearms.
Juggs said:
Oregon vote in November: Bill would require every citizen to apply for a permit, more extensive background checks, mandatory training classes, and .......Required to be in a state registry. For ALL firearms.

Should be shot down at appeal/Supreme Court level.
Gatorbreeze said:
Juggs said:
Oregon vote in November: Bill would require every citizen to apply for a permit, more extensive background checks, mandatory training classes, and .......Required to be in a state registry. For ALL firearms.

Should be shot down at appeal/Supreme Court level.
It will be, in time. The problem is that several states are blatantly defying the SCOTUS decisions recently made anyway. It'll pass, the state will apply it and eventually SCOTUS will be reverse it. But by then, in some cases, the damage is already done. Like registering gun owners.
Evil gator said:
Juggs said:
Evil gator said:
God I can’t wait to see the carnage and these fuckers start to pay.

No one will pay. The vax companies are immune and Dems are never held accountable.

Pay as in losing their sweet gig as an elected official. It’s taking away their power juggs
Temporarily. People have short term memories and are stupid. Let Republicans bring the country back to a good place, they get all comfortable, and the focus goes right back to batshit crazy because they don't have inflation and high gas prices to worry about. I have no faith there's any long term justice. That's not including the RINO's some states will continue to vote for, the deep state that controls these yahoos. The pawns may get voted out, but not the real issue. Fuck 'em all
I get your point, but I think that what happened during the trump admin has woken people up and you have a lot more people coming into office that are Rand Paulish rather than Mitt Romney. I'm hopeful that they understand the danger of the administrative state and will work on it.

At a minimum, there won't be huge inflationary spending bills and fun as hell hearings.
Evil gator said:
more people coming into office that are Rand Paulish rather than Mitt Romney.

Been having a debate on a youtube channel with a Libertarian who said the LP is the solution to it all. I pointed out he's a fucking fool if he thinks if a ton of LP candidates got elected if they wouldn't be corrupted by the money and influence just like most other politicians. I don't have the faith in people that they'd all be like Rand Paul and actually show some balls.

I do think it will get a little better, but I'm not sold it's a long term change. Yeah, the hearings should be good....if they follow through and it's not all empty promises. I think they will. But I don't it'll last more than a few years and we'll be right back where we started.
I think the corruption of the media and social media to print mainly bad stories about Rs (something like 87%) and good stories about dems does give the dems a ridiculous institutional advantage, in addition to the colleges, gov employees etc.

BUT - part of me hopes that the dems have fucked up enough stuff and badly enough that R's will win multiple elections and stop the bleeding. After Carter you had 12 years of R rule. another 12 years would do a lot to fix things. Don't give up hope.