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Evil gator said:
Juggs said:
Russell Brand: 20% of Congress owns stock in companies they're supposed to be regulating (49 Democrats, 44 Repubs). 13 lawmakers traded shares of companies that were under investigation by committees they served on.

Lobbyists made a record 2 billion in the first half of 2022 alone.

Yes when the federal government is so huge and growing, lobbyists are there to get an advantage for their folks and have their hand out. I don’t understand why people don’t understand the bigger government gets the more corruption
Yeah. But in fairness, the 2 leaders of those lobbyists that made a ton of the money were 1) Pfizner (shocking, right?) and 2) Lockheed Martin.

Big Pharma, Big Tech, and the Military I.C. run this country.
They actually don’t, but because the federal government is too large for congress to do oversight (5k people vs 9 million), they have more influence than they should.
Evil gator said:
They actually don’t, but because the federal government is too large for congress to do oversight (5k people vs 9 million), they have more influence than they should.

You don't think some of these lobbyists from groups like L.M. and Pharmaceutical companies are part of the deep state?
I don’t think it’s the lobbyists, the executives sure but I find the collusion between big tech and the gov, say taking down anything bad about fauci, is more dangerous.

Lobbyists are only a symptom of a government too big for ordinary people to handle.

This is a decent thread about nfps and think tanks as well as lobbyists, but as I note it doesn’t start from the right place: the fact there are unaccountable, unelected federal bureaucrats running things. Lobbying congress is the only recourse for businesses and industries. Look at the number of donations from environmental groups! They scare me more than big pharma, because they take foreign cash and stop stuff like energy and food!

Well no, not the lobbyists themselves. Big picture, I mean...Who puts them to task. No different than China using tiktok or Russia using green companies in California to push renewables and move away from fossil fuels.
It’s a lot of dumb govies and pols thinking they have the answers and getting involved in the free market though; industries a lot of times are just realistic and realize it’s easier to try to get a hand out rather than fight city hall.

Lobbyists are symptoms of a bloated unconstitutional federal government, not the cause of it
Yeah, but that's kinda discounting the power that Big Pharma and others have. Look at the entire pandemic....completely taken over by Pfizer as soon as the vaccine came out. They controlled the narrative to the CDC, Biden, and Fauci.
I think that’s letting a non functional cdc and fda off the hook. What power does Pfizer actually have compared to the administrative state? Sure they dump in money but it’s not a contract, no one has to do what they want.

The thing people get wrong about this is that lobbyists buy votes- that doesn’t happen. They support people who are already inclined to side with them.

This is the same for gun control issues. NRA and groups like that don’t give money to AOC, they give money to candidates who already support their position.
I was thinking more about insider trading and deep state big money individuals who get filthy rich working with those groups to manipulate the government.

Pfizer can't make policy. But they can make rich the people who do. Way too many groups have power and we don't know who TF is behind them. Biden isn't calling these shots, that's for fucking sure. Someone is and those Powers That Be have ties to these huge conglomerates.

On the left groups pose as charities or news orgs.

Corporations have much less influence than people think. If you look at the top 50 companies from 50 years ago, most still aren’t even around anymore.
1970 America is in no way 2022 America. It's not a fair comparison to look at our government and influencers today vs then.

In any case, so who is the deep state? Did a handful of CIA people just take over then? Because this Biden administration clearly isn't running the show. If Big Pharma/Tech, etc. don't have any power....who is left to be pulling all the strings?
Juggs said:
1970 America is in no way 2022 America. It's not a fair comparison to look at our government and influencers today vs then.

In any case, so who is the deep state? Did a handful of CIA people just take over then? Because this Biden administration clearly isn't running the show. If Big Pharma/Tech, etc. don't have any power....who is left to be pulling all the strings?

The deep state are federal government employees who have zero accountability and outsize power and have largely been indoctrinated in their fancy Ivy League colleges that conservatives are evil and that they know better than anyone how you should live, and will do anything to destroy any threat to their power (like trump) try to keep up.

Tech has power because we have come to rely on it, and the danger is unelected and Unaccountable govies telling tech what they need to do, and tech gong along because they’ve been indoctrinated in the same way.

Other industries have some power but it’s far less than people think. Most of their lobbying work is trying not to get fucked over by other industries more favored by Dems
Maryland lefty Congressman (also on the Jan 6 Committee) writes article that ties the 2nd Amendment to Insurrection. He says the 2A glorifies violence against public officials. He very directly implies that if the government becomes tyrannical and abuse the citizens that the people don't have the right to overthrow that tyrannical government because it's OUR government.

What. The. Fuck. He says the Founders were correct in declaring Independence and then says since our Nation is our rule of Law, they can do whatever they want and we should allow our government to be come tyrannical just on the basis that they're the government. He goes on, "It's meaningless and silly to think that the Constitution grants the people the right to overthrow a tyrannical government".

Ummm, no, that's exactly what the 2nd A does and the Founders were very explicitly in many other documents and letters what the intent was.

Biden’s chief of staff and puppet masters wife was appointed diplomat for plants and animals. It’s a patronage system
Juggs said:
Maryland lefty Congressman (also on the Jan 6 Committee) writes article that ties the 2nd Amendment to Insurrection. He says the 2A glorifies violence against public officials. He very directly implies that if the government becomes tyrannical and abuse the citizens that the people don't have the right to overthrow that tyrannical government because it's OUR government.

What. The. Fuck. He says the Founders were correct in declaring Independence and then says since our Nation is our rule of Law, they can do whatever they want and we should allow our government to be come tyrannical just on the basis that they're the government. He goes on, "It's meaningless and silly to think that the Constitution grants the people the right to overthrow a tyrannical government".

Ummm, no, that's exactly what the 2nd A does and the Founders were very explicitly in many other documents and letters what the intent was.

It is pretty clearly laid out in the 2nd paragraph of The Declaration of Independence. :lol:
They need to have somebody with lights directing him where to go. You know a staffer is repeating over and over again where to go after he speaks before he goes on stage. Elder abuse to keep putting him in these situations.