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Russia apparently has some apocalypse level sub with a nuke that's meant to cause a tsunami that wipes out countries that's left it's base. Of course our knowledge says it's not actually ready to be used and not as powerful as they claim. More like 2 megatons, not 100. But I wouldn't be surprised if it's closer to operational than we think.
Irish Mike said:
Cunt Kamala says Hurricane Ian aid should be distributed in order to create "equity".

I hate that word.

And that bitch.

DeSantis replies: She's playing identity politics with a storm. FEMA administrator threw cold water on it...it's totally not appropriate. You don't have to politicize every single tragedy in this country. People are sick of this nonsense.

He's completely right. Unless you're a liberal.
Juggs said:
Russia apparently has some apocalypse level sub with a nuke that's meant to cause a tsunami that wipes out countries that's left it's base. Of course our knowledge says it's not actually ready to be used and not as powerful as they claim. More like 2 megatons, not 100. But I wouldn't be surprised if it's closer to operational than we think.

At this point, it would surprise me if they have anything that works. They've lied about their capabilities for generations and now they are calling up 60 year olds to fight. Corruption has crippled their military and I'd expect the tech they claim to have isn't near what it's said to be if it's even real.
52:20 said:
Juggs said:
Russia apparently has some apocalypse level sub with a nuke that's meant to cause a tsunami that wipes out countries that's left it's base. Of course our knowledge says it's not actually ready to be used and not as powerful as they claim. More like 2 megatons, not 100. But I wouldn't be surprised if it's closer to operational than we think.

At this point, it would surprise me if they have anything that works. They've lied about their capabilities for generations and now they are calling up 60 year olds to fight. Corruption has crippled their military and I'd expect the tech they claim to have isn't near what it's said to be if it's even real.

Unless China has helped them out in recent years. I guess there's a small possibility the old tanks are misdirection waiting to shock someone with the real deal when it actually gets bad, but I'd tend to agree with you.
Hillary gives an interview where she again calls Trump supporters Nazis and Trump is Hitler. And criticizes him speaking for a solid hour. Yeah, Biden's speaking capabilities is much better.

Will that woman die already.
Jeffrey Sachs, a University Economics Professor, did an interview on Bloomberg radio. They repeatedly trying to cut him off and change topics after THEY brought up nordstream. He says it's clear the U.S. did it, everyone thinks we did it. We had military choppers in that very area at the time. And he tried to give to more evidence and they cut him off. Luckily others got ahold of it to put on their podcast because Bloomerg already heavily edited the interview to remove all the evidence parts. In the interview, he said a few times it's interesting how everyone in the world knows the U.S. did it, but it's nowhere to be seen in our own MSM. It's already disappeared, along with the environmental impacts ignored completely.

Anthony Blinken (Secretary of State) and the Energy Secretary added on that this is "an amazing opportunity to get away from fossile fuels and move towards green energy".
What's our purpose for blowing it up, seriously? I haven't followed this at all. It can't be to go green.
^ Yeah, it's one of those stories that's kind of floating in the background, fostering all kinds of conspiracy theories (any of which could actually be true). Did we do it? Did the Rooskies do it? Some other power? Eco-terrorists? Was it an accident? I haven't heard anything at all about any official investigation into it.
as i noted earlier, a number of the more conservative euros/brits I follow believe the US did it. I think this is because the Biden admin has shown a willingness to fuck over allies. In the us its more of a fringier idea, but it seems pretty mainstream or at least a lot more mainstream in europe.
opec is cutting production, so expect costs to go up. It didn't have to be this way - right now there are less leases in the US than at any time since WW2. but its all oil company greed
52:20 said:
What's our purpose for blowing it up, seriously? I haven't followed this at all. It can't be to go green.

1st - To continue to create conflict with Russia. The same reason we're giving billions to Ukraine. The same reason they lied about having boots on the ground in Ukraine. The same reason Biden instigated the war long before they invaded. The same reason the U.S. convinced Ukraine to not take the original peace agreement with Russia which was actually really fucking fair. The Military Industrial Complex has jumped us from war to war since WWII. We're out of Afghanistan, apparently we needed a new one a little sooner than usual. Biden and a couple others flat out said they wouldn't let Russia have Nordstream.

2nd - Yes, going green surely played a part. Look around the world - The World Economic Forum led global leaders are currently quite content with starving and freezing their citizens in the name of "climate change". The war was the perfect cover to eliminate yet another source that opposed renewable energy.

3rd - The Biden administration is incredibly stupid and extremely left, so it's entirely possible they'd do this without thinking for a second of the consequences, be it environmental or politically. They have no vision or rationale. If the Deep State did it and Biden wasn't actually a part of it, that would surprise me even less and probably the ones pulling the strings behind the MIC to begin with.

4th - The simple fact that it all but disappeared from the liberal news as quickly as a black man driving an SUV through a Christmas parade would indicate they know we did it, just like they silence every other sketchy ass shit the liberals do.

I only see 3 possibilities: U.S., NATO, and Russia. NATO doesn't have the balls. The U.S. has the God complex and misguided self righteousness along with greed. Russia....maybe they did it themselves to point to the U.S. and justify that as a reason to roll out tactile nukes, if not worse. But that would assume he sees more potential in war than the money lost by not having the pipeline.
Evil gator said:
I wouldnt leave out the idea that enviros did it. They don't care about the impacts either, they hate humans.

Entirely possible, but the location, resources, ability....do environmental whackos have the capability? If they did, they did so with the help of someone who stood to benefit from it....like the U.S. Agent provocateurs?
This guy has a differenet take..russian incompetence in doing required safety checks and maintance. Very long read and he really gets into the weeds but it makes sense to this non-engineer:

In my experience when anything involving energy-industry hydrocarbons explodes … well, sabotage isn’t the first thing that comes to mind. And honestly, when it comes to a pipeline running natural gas under Russian (non)maintenance, an explosion means that it’s Tuesday. Or Friday. Or another day of the week ending in “y”.

“But, LawDog,” I hear you say, “It was multiple explosions!”

Yes, 17 hours apart. No military is going to arrange for two pipes in the same general area to be destroyed 17 hours apart. Not without some Spec Ops guy having a fit of apoplexy. One pipe goes up in a busy shipping lane, in a busy sea, and everyone takes notice. Then you wait 17 hours to do the second — with 17 hours for people to show up and catch you running dirty? Nah, not buying it.

The Nord pipelines weren’t in use. To me, that means it’s time for maintenance! Hard to maintain pipes when product is flowing.

Pipelines running methane, under saltwater, require PMCS* ( Preventative Maintenance Checks and Services) quicker than you’d think, and more often than you’d believe.

I would bet a cup of coffee that any of the required weekly and monthly checks and services since the Russians took over have been pencil-whipped. (See Andreev Bay 1982.)

Juggs said:
Evil gator said:
I wouldnt leave out the idea that enviros did it. They don't care about the impacts either, they hate humans.

Entirely possible, but the location, resources, ability....do environmental whackos have the capability? If they did, they did so with the help of someone who stood to benefit from it....like the U.S. Agent provocateurs?

yes they have a ton of money, we've gone over this, lots and lots of dark money and crazy ideas all their own.
yeah agree poor engineering is also an option - possibly the most likely

one of the sanctions on russia that initially was thought to create problems was the pull out of american oilfield engineering companies - removing both parts and expertise. could be part of it.