Politics Politics

pg. said:
Stacey Abrams saying fetal heartbeat is faked by men to control women's bodies lol.
....so I guess all the female Dr's who treat the preggos are slaves to their superior Overlords that force them to go along with faking a heartbeat.

Christ. Seriously, every time these people open their mouths with such absurdity, my hatred goes up a notch and I can't wait to see them dead.
[mention]DocZaius[/mention] There is apparently another lawsuit against Trump coming about over valuation on Mar a Lago.

How do these suits from government entities work? You always hear about "standing" in lawsuits. How are New York or Florida and injured party if the over valuation basically propped up Trumps portfolio on order to secure loans.

There are no complaints I've seen about dodging taxes or anything.
Seems weird for an un-injured party to file a civil suit.
State Attorneys General can have standing to sue on behalf of the citizens of the state, but it is subject to some defenses like you indicate - who is damaged?
DocZaius said:
State Attorneys General can have standing to sue on behalf of the citizens of the state, but it is subject to some defenses like you indicate - who is damaged?

Certainly not the banks he supposedly defrauded. They aren't complaining at all.
When applying for a mortgage, or really any credit, you give your estimate of the value of any real estate you currently own. Everybody overestimates, mainly because they think it is worth more than it really is. And underwriters ignore it for that reason. Plus they are really more concerned with cash flow. Will be dismissed quickly unless she gets some liberal tds'd judge to hear it.
this is why laws are so fucking complicated - everyone ignores it, but they use it to go after their enemies. Who do you think those 80k irs agents are going after?
FBI Whistleblower (Agent) a different Agent than the previous whistle lower, says he was taken off Human trafficking of children cases and told to focus on Right wing domestic terrorism that didn't exist. Another agent was fired for refusing to take part in a raid over a misdemeanor and said the raid was outright unconstitutional.

Up to 20 other FBI Agents have become whistleblowers reporting the same thing.
News headline, "Selectively Zoomed-In video on Republican Twitter shows Biden being lost onstage after speech".

Look at that, trying to make a blatant video that shows the full event, not selectively cropped and shows Biden utterly confused and lost to be "misinformation".

No, he was lost. Period.

Career prosecutors recommend no charges for Gaetz in sex-trafficking probe
Investigators see credibility challenges for two of the main witnesses in the probe of the congressman’s past dealings with a 17-year-old

So I guess we can end the indictment watch. Should be a big story in all the liberal media outlets. :-P
This is worth the 8 minutes. Well articulated and logical as always from Colion. Some good clips of Biden saying racist stuff, stupid stuff on guns, and the 6 minute mark is where Biden slips up and says the AR-15 was designed to defend people, defend America

Oh hey look, no corruption here


So Biden is handing $$$ to donors like soros to sue rivals, but please be more upset about some mortgage of trumps
Also good article on how the environmental lobby is full of dark money from our enemies - ie why gas isn’t 1.50 a gallon

Evil gator said:
Also good article on how the environmental lobby is full of dark money from our enemies - ie why gas isn’t 1.50 a gallon


And many of the companies heading the greenie movement based out of California are Russian funded.

But hey, it's all Putin's War!!!
This one is for 68:

Ian on TimCast just said that Gavin Newsom could absolutely beat DeSantis in the next election :facepalm:

Seriously, is there anyone outside of 5 cities that agree with the extremism that Newsom spews?
52:20 said:
No fucking way Newsom could beat Desantis, or any republican governor that didn't shut down the state.

Yeah, getting arrested on the fucking BEACH and having the homeless overcrowded your largest cities and robbing businesses blind.....I'm sure he'd be an awesome President.
Juggs said:
This one is for 68:

Ian on TimCast just said that Gavin Newsom could absolutely beat DeSantis in the next election :facepalm:

Seriously, is there anyone outside of 5 cities that agree with the extremism that Newsom spews?

He's fucking stupid.