Politics Politics

I guess this is politics..in Argentina.

Biden now claims he didn't call any MAGA Republican a threat to the country. Right after he gave that speech that very explicitly said for 20 f'n minutes that MAGA Republicans are a threat to the country.

CNN, the same way they color filtered Rogan's covid picture to make him look yellow instead of his normal color as it was, has changed the imagery from Biden's speech with a red Hitler style background to be pinkish. Everyone knows that stage along with his speech was Nazi-esque.

Fauci came out and said he was always against lockdowns. Riiiight. Wonder why he's retiring right before November? Hmmm.
the level of gaslighting from this administration is something. If they aren't taking cheap dirty shots (like listing the members of congress who are small businesspeople who accepted PPP loans to keep paying employees as the program was intended vs. a handout to richer college grads or calling everyone a fascist), they are gaslighting and saying they didn't want school shutdowns or police defunded.

Another thing that makes me cray is how they compare Rs calling a D a communist or socialist is the same as dems calling Rs fascist. HOW MANY PEOPLE IN THIS COUNTRY CALL THEMSELVES FASCISTS WHO ARE IN POWER ANYWHERE? How many elected republicans call themselves that? ZERO. on the other hand there are tons of people of call themselves socialists in elected office including the highest levels like the US Congress. Futhermore, the principles the left supports and pushes are socialist and communist by definition. They are also closer to fascist than Rs. Rs don't want central government control. Its fucking apples and oranges and I've had enough.
A lot of political podcasts getting in on some doomsday shit. From Jordan Peterson talking about the upcoming worldwide food shortage to cause death to others pointing out California's self inflicted upcoming rolling blackouts.......More eggs needed to make that liberal stupidity omelet.
yeah its absurd. Lets also add the lax response to BLM riots, homelessness and school closures and other terrible policies making cities more dangerous and less livable and spiking crime all over.
WSJ article articulating the difficulties kids are having now that they are back to in person learning at school. Who would have guessed that they are two years behind in reading and math?
Evil gator said:
52:20 said:
WSJ article articulating the difficulties kids are having now that they are back to in person learning at school. Who would have guessed that they are two years behind in reading and math?

trumps fault obvi

It's funny how trump was/is heavily criticized for not doing enough pushing masks, lockdowns, mandatory jab, etc.to stop covid. And now imho the correct criticism is coming out. Lockdowns, school closings cloth masks and the jab have all been ineffective. He should have told Fauci to fuck off about shutting down the usa, and effectively the whole world. The damage done is immeasurable.

To his credit he did start seeing the light before the dems ("the cure can't be worse that the disease") and pushed re-opening, especially schools but he should have just isolated the vulnerable, made lots of n95 masks, and pushed the vaccine, assuming it actually prevents serious illness which I don't even believe based on all the other misinformation from the CDC and the NHI. Not sure how they factor in people like me that never got jabbed, got it, and had mild symptoms.

The conspiracy theorist in me thinks the whole thing was part of a plan to oust Trump. Make him look bad with a pandemic on his hands and alter all the voting laws using covid as the excuse.
They definitely weaponized Covid to make trump and Rs look bad, while it was all of their terrible policies (and government bureaucratic ineptitude) that caused lasting problems. Trumps main problem is listening to and trusting grifters and none was worse than fauci.
Hillary on the View says "No one is above the law" and goes on to bash Trump for a while about the whole classified documents. Also claims she never had any classified documents.

Uhhh, Comey and the FBI said a large chunk of her laptop documents were a mix of top secret and classified. It's on video. It's also rich coming from Hillary who is the shadiest politician in our country.
Hillary on the View says "No one is above the law" and goes on to bash Trump for a while about the whole classified documents. Also claims she never had any classified documents.

Uhhh, Comey and the FBI said a large chunk of her laptop documents were a mix of top secret and classified. It's on video. It's also rich coming from Hillary who is the shadiest politician in our country.
AOC while crying said, "I don't even know if I'll be alive in September" in an interview.

No context....Is she depressed/suicidal or does she actually think we're gonna have a civil war and/or someone is aiming to kill her? She did yammer on how so many Americans hate women of color.

All an act? Has to be. There really aren't that many women haters out there.
The AOC interview and GQ cover story is nuts. As I’ve said before she’s 10000x scarier than mtg because of the adulation she gets when she’s a completely dangerous nut job who is running the dem party. She doesn’t want to be president because of the pesky constitution and she can’t be a dictator to run the world in her idiotic soft on crime giant government nonsense