Politics Politics

MSM has been acting like he's turned it all around since they signed the spending bill. Give away another half a trillion in tuition and there you go. Run up to November and MSM is going to do what they do.
The press secretary whose name I can never remember said biden's fiscal responsibility is "second to none".

The money he's just thrown at every problem whether the problem existed or not is insane and now the debt forgiveness. That's what they call fiscal responsibility.
Juggs said:
Uvalde parents suing Daniel Defense because the shooter used their gun.

That's somehow "justice" and "being held accountable" in their words. The law firm doing it? California.

Might as well. Didn’t S&W recently settle with some families?

Edit… Remington settled with Sandy Hook families.
ufgators68 said:
Juggs said:
Uvalde parents suing Daniel Defense because the shooter used their gun.

That's somehow "justice" and "being held accountable" in their words. The law firm doing it? California.

Might as well. Didn’t S&W recently settle with some families?

Edit… Remington settled with Sandy Hook families.

Remington settled because the Connecticut state courts completely screwed them over and the Supreme Court refused to take the case, Not sure Texas is going to be as friendly.
DocZaius said:
ufgators68 said:
Juggs said:
Uvalde parents suing Daniel Defense because the shooter used their gun.

That's somehow "justice" and "being held accountable" in their words. The law firm doing it? California.

Might as well. Didn’t S&W recently settle with some families?

Edit… Remington settled with Sandy Hook families.

Remington settled because the Connecticut state courts completely screwed them over and the Supreme Court refused to take the case, Not sure Texas is going to be as friendly.

SCOTUS failed them big time.
Affidavit released shows that Trump had already returned what the Archives requested. The archives then assumed with no evidence that Trump held onto more, none of which were nuclear documents like the MSM claimed. It was a broad warrant, not focused.

What they were after was something Trump was holding onto, something Crossfire or another files. Which were documents that showed FBI corruption on the ones who were implicit in helped creating the fake Russiagate. Coincidence that the FBI who raided his house were the same ones who "investigated" Russiagate?

Sounds like Trump was holding onto these documents for a rainy day down the road when he was running again.
Juggs said:
NY Governor told Republicans to leave New York because they are not New Yorkers, move to Florida where you belong.

Good God. And no, keep your yankee asses out of Florida, R or not.

But they say pubs are divisive. :lol:
Irish Mike said:
Juggs said:
NY Governor told Republicans to leave New York because they are not New Yorkers, move to Florida where you belong.

Good God. And no, keep your yankee asses out of Florida, R or not.

But they say pubs are divisive. :lol:
Been that way since woke culture started. We're all inclusive as long as you're not a republican and don't disagree with us.
ATF going door to door to anyone who purchased solvent traps (reported to them by certain sellers) and confiscated thing. These have been legal forever. Recently, the ATF just decided they were used as suppressors and thus illegal. A lot of these encounters have been recorded. Just watched one from Florida where the ATF show sup, says they're there to confiscate and destroy it. The man asks for a warrant. The ATF start getting snarky and pretty unprofessional.

This is AFTER SCOTUS ruled the agencies couldn't just make up definitions and interpretations on their own. State courts are ignoring SCOTUS also.

So basically, SCOTUS doesn't mean a whole lot anymore since these corrupt twats are just ignoring them and no one is doing anything about it.
This administration is doing all the things it accused Trump of doing.

By taking $6 billion from defense and putting it towards the wall they all screamed that only congress can do that because it delegates money.

Now Biden is putting hundreds of billions to pay off bad loans of his constituents, and its fine.
Juggs said:
Yep. Misinformation? Collusion? Corruption? LIke I keep saying, the Biden administration is the king of "Whoever smelt it, dealt it".

I would like to see a list of how many people in the Biden Admin benefit from the student loan vote buying bullshit. I suspect its substantial.

and then the white house leaking the names of congressional members who got ppp loans. that money was appropriated by Congress, legally, and shows me who actually owns businesses that were (probably illegally) shut down. its a ridiculous comparison.
Apparently more studies that show high levels of arsenic, lead, and mercury are in current baby food (levels above FDA's approved limit) and the FDA is still approving it to be sold.

But uhhh, why does FDA have a limit of arsenic, lead, or mercury in the baby food above 0?
those are naturally occurring materials that are in everything like the soil food is grown in, but also might be concentrated during the growing or manufacturing process.

does the article or source give an actual number? because we eat and drink trace amounts of that stuff all the time. As you probably know, labs can now detect minute amounts of metals and other constituents.

news reports of "studies" are generally pretty poor on important details like detection limits and sampling methods, and generally intended to instill fear. its very often crap science.

Even if values are accurate, the levels agencies set as "safe" are generally ridiculously conservative and sometimes set at error or background levels as to be meaningless.

therefore, don't freak out immediately.
Evil gator said:
those are naturally occurring materials that are in everything like the soil food is grown in, but also might be concentrated during the growing or manufacturing process.

does the article or source give an actual number? because we eat and drink trace amounts of that stuff all the time. As you probably know, labs can now detect minute amounts of metals and other constituents.

news reports of "studies" are generally pretty poor on important details like detection limits and sampling methods, and generally intended to instill fear. its very often crap science.

Even if values are accurate, the levels agencies set as "safe" are generally ridiculously conservative and sometimes set at error or background levels as to be meaningless.

therefore, don't freak out immediately.

I just want to make sure I'm not feeding my kids yoga mats!!!! :eg:
Irish Mike said:
Evil gator said:
those are naturally occurring materials that are in everything like the soil food is grown in, but also might be concentrated during the growing or manufacturing process.

does the article or source give an actual number? because we eat and drink trace amounts of that stuff all the time. As you probably know, labs can now detect minute amounts of metals and other constituents.

news reports of "studies" are generally pretty poor on important details like detection limits and sampling methods, and generally intended to instill fear. its very often crap science.

Even if values are accurate, the levels agencies set as "safe" are generally ridiculously conservative and sometimes set at error or background levels as to be meaningless.

therefore, don't freak out immediately.

I just want to make sure I'm not feeding my kids yoga mats!!!! :eg:
I'd have to find the actual articles. I just heard it being discussed on a podcast. Can't remember which one though. But it sounded fairly reasonable and not exactly fear mongering.

A couple examples beyond the studies were Gerber had 2 items that should have been recalled by any standard and just weren't, but crickets. And Walmart raised it's requirements for certain toxins.

Yeah, this stuff is found naturally in the soil. It sounded more like it came from elevated levels or contaminated soil, but then....they didn't talk actual numbers.
Most the people who write about and discuss this stuff have no idea about detection limits or lab protocols.

The baby formula debacle shows us how fucked up and dumb a lot of gov standards and protocols are.
oh sure lead in particular causes learning disabilities at VERY HIGH levels. though its all based on indirect studies on animals and other research because obviously no one is going to dose an actual human baby. I'll buy a lot of lead is bad for development.

most health risks from environmental contaminants are very very low - the fear level but the public isn't at all proportional. There is a whole science industry built up of hyping up risks. researchers are rewarded and paid for showing things are harmful much more than showing they are not harmful. and then these same people sit on panels advising federal agencies what levels to set contaminants at. They also may be employed by law firms who make money with lawsuits over the same topic.

i'm not saying its made up, but its in the best interests of the people working in these fields to set levels very low, and for researchers to get more funding if a news outlet picks up their stories.
Apparently a whole lot of prominent liberals are now saying they knew the vaccines never worked and masks harmed their child and it's all Trump's fault for rushing the vaccine and masking the kids in the first place.....

If any actual, normal citizen starts buying into this narrative, I literally want them and their families to die.
Juggs said:
Apparently a whole lot of prominent liberals are now saying they knew the vaccines never worked and masks harmed their child and it's all Trump's fault for rushing the vaccine and masking the kids in the first place.....

If any actual, normal citizen starts buying into this narrative, I literally want them and their families to die.

Shows how dumb they think gen pop is. Sadly, they may be right.