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🤬Bitch Catch all/random thread

Already filed my taxes.

Just once it would be nice to get a refund and not have to turn around and pay off home repairs/renovations. I'd watch all of Gainesville burn for a real vacation.
Fence guys should be here in half an hour. Been wanting to replace this odd rotting shit for years.

The easiest access to my back yard with a pallets of fence materials is through a 20 foot wide strip between my house and a fence. And my dad left a 16' enclosed trailer in that fucking space to drop off on his way through town :lol: The larger side of the house, tree stumps, a 20x10 chicken coup, a planter and various shit to navigate around. Or they can try to use the sidewalk and 39th Ave at rush hour to access.

I think my dad made their jobs a lot more inconvenient today :facepalm:
What in the fuck. Just what these areas need, more redlights 100 feet from busy intersections of major roads, because that doesn't at all cause major backups (especially with their piss poor light timing all over town) in the other locations where they've done this. Fuck up traffic 24/7 because of school zone hours (which are already too long).

To the families and staff of Talbot, Norton, Westwood, Littlewood, Lincoln and Williams:

As you may have noticed, the crossing guards employed by the Gainesville Police Department (GPD) who are assigned to your school are no longer able to direct traffic around those sites. They will continue to stop traffic to escort students across the street as they travel to and from school.

The district is in communication with GPD about possible strategies to address this situation, such as the installation of traffic lights, signage, additional training, etc.

As always, families and motorists in the affected areas should exercise due diligence around schools, especially during arrival and dismissal times.