Load her up on benadryl. She'll be asleep in no time.
Evil gator said:But for me its really the other affects, mainly drymouth.
Think I’ll hit her w shrooms, that’ll make the drive back interesting or horrific, likely both. I did say once “mom, take a breath, you’ve asked me 17 billion questions already. She laughed, kept going.Evil gator said:that seems like a nightmare - you are a good son.
Maybe give her a microdose. I do that in the evenings and it does mellow me out without any of the bad effects. I'm talking like a 1/10 or less of a low dose candy.
Evil gator said:just got off an international gotomeeting I had to present on at 7 am. yes, they still use gotomeeting and is is a pain to figure out the share screen but it went okay.
RIP said:Oh and my wife still hasn't eaten solid food. 3 months now. Liquids are starting to bother her now and she's suicidal off and on. Yay.
Been worried about some of that myself. Dementia/alzheimer's runs in my mom's family. My grandma had it before she was 70. My mom has started to get worried lately that it's in her future sooner rather than later. I noticed she forgets little things here and there, but shit, I forget things all the time....but I don't see or talk to her every day, so I don't know if it's worse than I think.RIP said:Well, looks like dementia is going to claim my Grandma soon. She's refusing to eat or drink. What a shitty year this has been.
Panamag8or said:You have an iphone... no sympathy.