Fuck lazy ass teachers. This whole not grading most homework and especially, only sending what homework and tests are graded home at the end of each semester is beyond retarded. I can go on the portal and look at her current grade, but it tells me nothing. So the kid has all A's except a C in language arts.
But zero paperwork has come back from the teacher. They do everything in class, so I never even see what they're working on. How the fuck am I supposed to help her improve if we don't know what she did wrong? Or if you don't check the portal online, you wouldn't even know she's not doing well until after report cards come out. So basically, the teachers don't do shit to tell you you're kid isn't doing well until it's already too late. Another dangerous aspect is, if the kid doesn't know, they go on thinking they're doing it right when they're not. This just further engrains the wrong way in their head instead of correcting it immediately.
It's absolutely a horrendous and lazy way of teaching because teachers today suck. They've been martyred to think they all work too hard and get paid too little. You teach 5 periods a day at about 50 minutes. You have a free period to plan or grade, which they clearly don't utilize properly. Even if they did, that's working 6 hours a day. Grade papers and send them home within a day or two like our teachers did you pieces of shit. English is a little more difficult because there's a lot of reading. However, most subjects it's stupid quick to run down a paper vs an answer key and throw a few marks on the paper. There are 15-20 kids in each class. That's 100 papers to grade max, IF there's even papers to grade since the classes are all different. That's really not that much. They're just too sorry to work 8 hours, God forbid!