Evil gator said:
Oh juggs I pulled a you this weekend. A store I go to switched to ALL self checkout and I had like 8 items and one wouldn't scan, so I scanned everything else, put it in my bag then called the attendant. He then started pulling stuff out of my bag to check that I had scanned everything! I was like "why would I call you over if I was stealing, I would have just put it in my bag!" he was like "I am supposed to do this" what a bunch of bullshit.
What the fuck? What stupid fuck store is that. Yeah, thieves don't bring over the help
We were in walmart yesterday in self checkout. I received nothing that stopped me or called attention to me - that I noticed. I kept on scanning and bagging when an employee came up to me and is just staring at me.
Me: yes?
Her: Standing there.
Me: Well?
Her: You're light is flashing.
Me: Looking up at light...."Huh"
Her: I need to see your ID and what you're buying. It's age restricted. As she goes through the scanned items to see what it is.
Me: Mentally rolling my eyes...I'm clearly legal with an 11 year old with me, the sides of my beard are grey. FFS. "Glue. It's super glue".
She sees it, skips the ID and keys it in the pass code.
Seriously WTF. I get it, kids get high off stupid shit. But kids also STEAL the 0.5oz bottle of gorilla glue, not try to buy it. It's ioditic to have to show id for f'n glue.