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🤬Bitch Bitch thread

Juggs said:
Just looked at them out of curiosity....price has come down quite a bit. A good 30-40% from a few years ago. Traegers use to be a grand easy.
I’ve had one the past 13 years, they’re rock solid, you get what you pay for. Funny story, when we moved to OR, wife packed up a Pod, couldnt fit my Traeger in, she said we’ll get one there. The little podunk town we moved to, Mt Angel, was where Traeger started, and from our deck, could see the building where it started, across the valley.
Just bought this.


Similar to 68 set the temp and walk away. It has a fan that kicks on when temp goes below set temp. Goes up to 700 degrees fairly quick. And the gravity feed is awesome.
pg. said:
Just bought this.


Similar to 68 set the temp and walk away. It has a fan that kicks on when temp goes below set temp. Goes up to 700 degrees fairly quick. And the gravity feed is awesome.

I'm not a pro meat smoker or whatever but why would you need to get up to 700 degrees? That seems really high.
DocZaius said:
pg. said:
Just bought this.


Similar to 68 set the temp and walk away. It has a fan that kicks on when temp goes below set temp. Goes up to 700 degrees fairly quick. And the gravity feed is awesome.

I'm not a pro meat smoker or whatever but why would you need to get up to 700 degrees? That seems really high.

To sear delicious cuts of meat.
Evil gator said:
My big boss, whom I rarely see or interact with (but have known for like 8 years), looked at my Linkedin profile. Should I be worried.

Maybe they just wanted to see if they remembered your name.
Evil gator said:
My big boss, whom I rarely see or interact with (but have known for like 8 years), looked at my Linkedin profile. Should I be worried.

Don't you have to have a paid account to see who's been looking at your profile? Do you actually pay for LinkedIn?
At the Dr for my annual physical. Overheard in the lobby, old white men telling black employee “you ain’t no Negro. You fill out that form you’re a US Citizen”.

I didn’t hear what led up to that, but wtf :lol:
I know I'm lucky that I only have to go into the office 2x a week, but its such a waste of time. We had a meeting yesterday with about half the people in the office (and others on zoom( and we all did it from our offices with the doors closed. I walked so I got more than 20K steps the last two days, but its going to be too hot to do that soon.
95 this time next week. Fuck Florida.

I just had to fill out a Social Determinant of Health form. Wtf. Asking if I can pay my bills, afford food and utilities. Then if family ever screams or harms me. That’s new.
Juggs said:
95 this time next week. Fuck Florida.

I just had to fill out a Social Determinant of Health form. Wtf. Asking if I can pay my bills, afford food and utilities. Then if family ever screams or harms me. That’s new.

I know its hard juggs but you should tell them that you've been forced into sex slavery

yeah I posed about this with my GP a few months ago. I wonder what the source is, some Biden admin equity dealie or just medical establishment idea.
Juggs said:
95 this time next week. Fuck Florida.

I just had to fill out a Social Determinant of Health form. Wtf. Asking if I can pay my bills, afford food and utilities. Then if family ever screams or harms me. That’s new.

Did they ask if you have any firearms in the house? Apparently, that is something doctors are supposed to care about.
Panamag8or said:
Juggs said:
95 this time next week. Fuck Florida.

I just had to fill out a Social Determinant of Health form. Wtf. Asking if I can pay my bills, afford food and utilities. Then if family ever screams or harms me. That’s new.

Did they ask if you have any firearms in the house? Apparently, that is something doctors are supposed to care about.

Only the ones that are working undercover for the feds.
Panamag8or said:
Juggs said:
95 this time next week. Fuck Florida.

I just had to fill out a Social Determinant of Health form. Wtf. Asking if I can pay my bills, afford food and utilities. Then if family ever screams or harms me. That’s new.

Did they ask if you have any firearms in the house? Apparently, that is something doctors are supposed to care about.

I've had many who have...therapist, psychiatrist, hospital, detox. They always want to know about my guns. My primary care doesn't. Not that I ever give them any specific answers