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😢Whine As Juggs' World turns

There’s a lot to be said for a partner who leaves you alone to do your thing
But so few do. Self proclaimed social butterflies always try to force or guilt trip you into doing things with their friends or always be on the go.

FFS, you go out with your friends by yourself and I'll get my alone time. That sounds good to me. But noooo.

Also, these people are made even worse when they don't have kids. Hey fuckos, those of us with mortgages and kids, not rent and childless, can't go on vacation every 3 months or go on a weekend adventure every couple weeks. It's like they're incapable of comprehending actual responsibility. Run into this a lot with women in their 30s.
yeah that age everyone is so worried about posting shit on instagram and convincing everyone they are FINE not old maids.
A single 35-40 year old woman with no kids, 90% of the time, looks like this:

Obscenely overly picky, unrealistic, and expecting a man that doesn't exist. Claims, "I'm not settling, I'm patiently waiting". Then does exactly what you just said - Tries to convince everyone else, including themselves, that "They're perfectly happy being single and living my best life". Then they secretly get desperate wondering why they're perpetually single when they're so unbelievably awesome.....yet never comes to the realization that their unicorn that has 6'4", all muscle, a 160 IQ, is incredibly funny, outgoing and exciting, emotionally aware, has no children, has never been married, is super empathetic....basically they create a 30 item long list of qualities that can't possibly exist in 1 person and then complain about how "there are no good men" :lol: Or as we've also seen, that the good men/chivalrous ones are not liberals.

And the hilarious part of this is that almost none of them offer much in return. They don't have a great career, they're a 7 on the looks scale, they're not particularly intelligent, funny, or nurturing. They don't stand out in any way....but modern feminism has told them they deserve perfection no matter what and to never settle. No one has explained to them that being realistic is not settling.

None of that is relevant to this particular situation, but it sums up a huge chunk of them. It sums up 99% of them if they're still attractive and in shape after 40.
Side note - Just like every time, when I articulate a respectful way of saying we're not compatible, there's no "Well good luck to you" type of response. Just deleted.

Always verifies I made the right decision with these cunts who have no manners or common courtesy.
Side note - Just like every time, when I articulate a respectful way of saying we're not compatible, there's no "Well good luck to you" type of response. Just deleted.

Always verifies I made the right decision with these cunts who have no manners or common courtesy.
Never saw it coming that the guy who drops 'cunt' while complaining he's not being politely told there is no second date, and doesn't even attempt to hide his misogyny would generate a self-titled thread on a novelty message board to talk about his romantic 'escapades.'

You need to find a better shrink next time.
You don't read too well, do you?

I rejected her. She acted like a cunt because people like you have no common courtesy of manners. I'm quite respectful to nearly everyone until they show they deserve otherwise. She showed she didn't deserve it, so I can label her as I choose as a result.

It's ok there fella, one day you'll have the balls to not follow a woman across the country just to get dumped when you get there. You might even get laid again one day. Sure, it'll cost a few hundred for her time, but that's all some of you have a chance at.
You don't read too well, do you?

I rejected her. She acted like a cunt because people like you have no common courtesy of manners. I'm quite respectful to nearly everyone until they show they deserve otherwise. She showed she didn't deserve it, so I can label her as I choose as a result.

It's ok there fella, one day you'll have the balls to not follow a woman across the country just to get dumped when you get there. You might even get laid again one day. Sure, it'll cost a few hundred for her time, but that's all some of you have a chance at.
Shocked Savage GIF
New woman, from Ecuador. Very sweet, likes me a little too much. Her ok English and then occasionally using Spanish on me is likely to get old once the novelty wears off. Can tell how she kisses that she’s great at head. I’m kinda torn for once. After spending all her life with her husband and I’m the first guy she’s dating since her divorce a year and a half ago….she seems too sweet and nice to take advantage of knowing I’ll get tired not having quality conversations. But I want to see if my theory is right 😂
New woman, from Ecuador. Very sweet, likes me a little too much. Her ok English and then occasionally using Spanish on me is likely to get old once the novelty wears off. Can tell how she kisses that she’s great at head. I’m kinda torn for once. After spending all her life with her husband and I’m the first guy she’s dating since her divorce a year and a half ago….she seems too sweet and nice to take advantage of knowing I’ll get tired not having quality conversations. But I want to see if my theory is right 😂
Be careful man! Ladies from that country, if you fuck them over, will cut your damn nuts off! The quiet ones are the worst! ;)
Be careful man! Ladies from that country, if you fuck them over, will cut your damn nuts off! The quiet ones are the worst! ;)
Well after 20 something years her husband cheated on her and she just walked away...I think I'd be safe with that one. Now I have dated a Columbian that was a bit of a lunatic (and was one of those child cocaine mules with her school backpack) :lol:
Gotta be careful with those face only shots...
No doubt. I actually made it a rule a couple years ago that if it was a dating app, I wouldn't even consider talking to anyone without a full body pic. No head only/cleave shots, no holding the camera up over their head and aiming down which does work pretty well at hiding their size, none of that shit. It was a dead give away for fatties every time.
So....this woman I'm dating. We're having a Christmas conversation. She, "I never did that Santa bullshit with my kids. I never had that when I was a kid. I taught them from the beginning it's Jesus' birthday". It's noteworthy that she had no childhood, no innocence, and it was a fucked up past. She's basically raised her kids the same way, treating them like adults in early single digits.

My reply was that you'll never see more innocent and pure joy from a child than on Christmas morning when they believe. Never. Ironically, you lied to your kid every bit as much when you teach the lie that Jesus was born on 12/25. He wasn't even born in winter FFS.

Not to mention, she's putting up a Christmas tree and all that...you know, all those pagan traditions. After going through those details, I said, "So if anything, I'd say teaching Christmas is Jesus' birth is every bit as much bullshit as Santa is" :lol:
She dumped me :lol: Not because of the Christmas thing. I think she started to pick up on that a lot of her personality traits/habits annoyed me and I wasn't exactly putting in much effort. Sucks starting over, but it was a relief. If I get annoyed so quickly over certain things, I know it's doomed.

Side note: Why do I keep meeting women who want a ribeye and then has to have it well, well done. You bitches not have taste buds? It's a waste of money to buy a good cut and then murder it a second time. I also meet a lot of women who are absurdly picky eaters in general. 4 or 5 foods they eat and that's it type of shit. Very few greens/veggies, only 1 or 2 meats, never tries anything new. Having to pick every restaurant where they have to serve a basic chicken dish or a burger, as much as I love that stuff too....severely limits your options. I've met a surprising number of women who are pickier than my kid.
It's astonishing how many women:

Have a lazy eye. It's a LOT.

How many think it's a good idea when they openly say they drink every day and then message me, who openly says I'm a sober alcoholic.

How many fat, older women message me like there's even a 0.01% chance I'd consider them. Like bitch, have you looked in a fucking mirror? You're 3x my size and look 15 years older. WTF were you think?

I ignore 1 and 3. I've started to ask the alcoholics WTF they were thinking messaging me. All patience, lost.