I love Fenix’s social media.
$440 for 250 rounds of that? They may not charge shipping for that order, but they're robbing them blind on the price of the ammo.
Rally in Albuquerque of 100+ open carrying in defiance of the Governor's bullshit decree, cops didn't arrest a single person.
2 things of note from her statement: She admitted that criminals won't obey the decree....so why does she think disarming law abiding citizens is going to stop criminals? Now the ironic part is that she says no rights are absolute, nor is her power absolute. If her power is not absolute, then she has no authority to suspend Constitutional rights. I want someone to throw that in her face.
As the best character actor in history, that was his best role.
I don't think it is, but I'm also heavily swayed by subject matter. There Will Be Blood, while excellent on his part, just wasn't particularly interesting to me.I think I'll take Daniel Plainview in There Will Be Blood over Bill the Butcher, but it's close.
You're wearing your high school badge of courage on your shoulder right now.Rally in Albuquerque of 100+ open carrying in defiance of the Governor's bullshit decree, cops didn't arrest a single person.
2 things of note from her statement: She admitted that criminals won't obey the decree....so why does she think disarming law abiding citizens is going to stop criminals? Now the ironic part is that she says no rights are absolute, nor is her power absolute. If her power is not absolute, then she has no authority to suspend Constitutional rights. I want someone to throw that in her face.
And a judge has smacked down the NM Gov's absurd law as unconstitutional. Now they should boot her ass out of office. How are there no consequences for directly violating the Constitution?
Better theory I've seen is that it was a test run to see how it would be accepted in a less significant state before they try it elsewhere.someone on twitter was saying it was a distraction from the shitty Iran deal lol
Yeah, but doubling down with stupid is ridiculous. When the AG and sheriff told her it was impossible to enforce, her reply was, "that's your opinion". Yeah, the opinion of professionals, not a clueless ideologue politician.Trying to make a name for herself. She knew it would get shot down.