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Politics Woke links

So that professor who wants us to stop using the word "pedophile" is under fire and has been suspended:

DocZaius said:
^ Yeah, we might as well just eliminate any gender distinction altogether and just let men and women compete in the same events.

I saw some MMA footage from Poland where they tired this...it ended as expected...
Still think the most fair way to handle this, especially now that they don’t care about testosterone levels, is to have a biological Women’s category and a intramural category to sports. Women, trans can compete in intramural if they want, but biological males cannot compete in womens.
52:20 said:
Still think the most fair way to handle this, especially now that they don’t care about testosterone levels, is to have a biological Women’s category and a intramural category to sports. Women, trans can compete in intramural if they want, but biological males cannot compete in womens.

That would require an acknowledgment that men and women are different and that’s not gonna happen
Evil gator said:
52:20 said:
Still think the most fair way to handle this, especially now that they don’t care about testosterone levels, is to have a biological Women’s category and a intramural category to sports. Women, trans can compete in intramural if they want, but biological males cannot compete in womens.

That would require an acknowledgment that men and women are different and that’s not gonna happen

Feminists and liberals want equality, well here is their chance.

It's a free for all, one competition only. And just like that women's sports become more irrelevant than they already are.
Evil gator said:
52:20 said:
Still think the most fair way to handle this, especially now that they don’t care about testosterone levels, is to have a biological Women’s category and a intramural category to sports. Women, trans can compete in intramural if they want, but biological males cannot compete in womens.

That would require an acknowledgment that men and women are different and that’s not gonna happen
You can’t do anything without somebody being pissed off, at least this protects women and allows for a fair playing field, and allows trans to compete as well.
DocZaius said:
So that professor who wants us to stop using the word "pedophile" is under fire and has been suspended:


YikYak is still a thing?
I would love to see JK Rowling just come out and say "you trannys can go eat a big of assholes and resume your miserable existences...I'm going to buy an island and retire, you broke dicks"....
JookJoint said:
I would love to see JK Rowling just come out and say "you trannys can go eat a big of assholes and resume your miserable existences...I'm going to buy an island and retire, you broke dicks"....

Someone tweeted to her that they were going to burn all her Harry a potter books. JK responded something like "that's OK, I still have your money."
Irish Mike said:
JookJoint said:
I would love to see JK Rowling just come out and say "you trannys can go eat a big of assholes and resume your miserable existences...I'm going to buy an island and retire, you broke dicks"....

Someone tweeted to her that they were going to burn all her Harry a potter books. JK responded something like "that's OK, I still have your money."

JookJoint said:
Irish Mike said:
JookJoint said:
I would love to see JK Rowling just come out and say "you trannys can go eat a big of assholes and resume your miserable existences...I'm going to buy an island and retire, you broke dicks"....

Someone tweeted to her that they were going to burn all her Harry a potter books. JK responded something like "that's OK, I still have your money."


Even snarkier than I remember.

We’re to the point where college Dems who tweeted unwoke stuff at age 13 are disqualified lol

Evil gator said:
We’re to the point where college Dems who tweeted unwoke stuff at age 13 are disqualified lol


Self-terminal wokeness.
A story from Peter Attia, a Dr. A urologist friend of his was giving a speech at a college to medical students. Before the speech, the Dean of the med school asked her to not use "Penis" in her lecture because it implied gender. She said penis was an anatomical term, what should she use. He suggested "Male erectile tissue". Fucking with him, she said, "Isn't using male going to trigger someone?" and she gave her lecture as she planned to.

A dean of a fucking medical college doesn't want to use an anatomical term. For. fucks. sake.
Juggs said:
A story from Peter Attia, a Dr. A urologist friend of his was giving a speech at a college to medical students. Before the speech, the Dean of the med school asked her to not use "Penis" in her lecture because it implied gender. She said penis was an anatomical term, what should she use. He suggested "Male erectile tissue". Fucking with him, she said, "Isn't using male going to trigger someone?" and she gave her lecture as she planned to.

A dean of a fucking medical college doesn't want to use an anatomical term. For. fucks. sake.

:s uicide: