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Politics Woke links

Irish Mike said:
Evil gator said:
Don’t call people attracted to children bad names


String him up.

fucking liberals. Pedophiles SHOULD be stigmatized. Flamers like that with stupid opinions teaching at a university is disgraceful.

On a somewhat related note, we were at Pet Smart on Wednesday and one of the employees was a short, thin person, wearing a mask of course. Shortish hair (for a girl), dyed a few different colors. She came prancing up to us, asking if she could pet our dog. And then she got close enough for me to notice her name tag: Kyle.

My daughter asked if that was a girl or boy. I told her, "either her parents pulled "A boy named Sue" in reverse (she loves that song), he failed biology, or he's in desperate need of attention"
Yeah If you look back at the social upheaval of the 1960s with more equal rights that we now agree with like minorities women and gays, there were also other things that some were trying to liberalize. Nambla started then and the concept that pedo is normal is in a number of fictional works from the time like gravity’s rainbow and tales of the city. Probably even more of a push in euro society where they finally got around to taking a literary prize from an avowed pedo.

I think the tolerance is going to hit a brick wall on this - I hope so anyway. The porno/grooming books was part of the reason Virginia turned red IMO - people don’t want their kids sexualized rightly so
I guess Merrick Garland was right about parents at those school board meetings.
