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Politics Woke links

52:20 said:
Evil gator said:
Obvi not a parent but this seems nuts


This is kinda tangentially related to BLM's idea to kill the nuclear family I believe. And fuck no I'm not loosing any grip I have on my child to let the "community" take over.

Yeah it’s really the communist idea that you need to destroy the family/religion other structures to make people dependent on the state and that their religion and family. You can see with the religious fervor some treat Covid/fauci, climate change and other liberal issues
matt walsh is basically a serial killer for that.


this wapo article is classic elites shocked that a black person could possibly be a republican

The University of Northampton is not the first British institution to attempt to censor George Orwell’s work. In 2020 the British Library placed Orwell on a “shame” list because one of his great-grandfathers owned slaves in the Caribbean, despite the fact that Orwell was an avid anti-imperialist who repeatedly called out totalitarianism in his works.

The British Library apparently attempted to tarnish Orwell’s work by labelling it as “associated with wealth obtained from enslaved people or through colonial violence”. Yet, Orwell did not own any slaves himself, nor have any association with the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade, which was outlawed in 1807, almost a hundred years before the British novelist was born.
Let me attack my constituents. What could possibly go wrong?

DocZaius said:
Let me attack my constituents. What could possibly go wrong?


Fuck him.
Didn’t the last democratic convention feature a prison rights activist who had actually raped and killed a gay dude in nyc?

If you turn activitist for poor criminals it’s all good