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Politics The war on Joe Rogan

Tommy said:
There’s laws against killing other human beings, so why wouldn’t that be applied to late term aborts, if there’s no medical issues with the mother having the child? Seems like so few these days understand being accountable, especially the woke tards
It should be illegal. And I'm not sure how many people even truly believe they should have abortions at 9 months. They're just being extremists for the sake of being extremists and to get Conservatives to do what many did: Want to ban abortion completely and piss off moderates.

It might have worked if the liberals hadn't fucked this country up in so many ways.
I haven't heard any dem say they support any restrictions. They even vote against legislation to not save a fetus that might survive an abortion. The R's have been pretty good at pointing out which side is an extremist here.

also, people have realized that they've been lied to - the overturning of Roe did very little to change anything.
Yep, not a single Dem has spoken out against late term abortions. The White House basically condoned it via Pierre.

It looked like Cons were going to go extreme in the opposite way at first, but they got their stupid under control and suddenly it all died off in the news.
Juggs said:
Yep, not a single Dem has spoken out against late term abortions. The White House basically condoned it via Pierre.

It looked like Cons were going to go extreme in the opposite way at first, but they got their stupid under control and suddenly it all died off in the news.

yeah I feel like Kari Lake was the first one to figure this out. At first Rs were afraid to engage.
I really liked the Will Harris episode, my dad would have loved it, he was somewhat friends w him
Wow this Matt Walsh episode got PAINFUL. For almost an hour now I've heard them debate gay marriage. I don't agree with Matt Walsh, but his logic is rational and calm. Rogan is way too emotional and completely misses Matt's point.

Matt's take is that marriage is for a man and woman to reproduce. Rogan: Well what if they decide to not have kids, what if they're infertile? Matt tries to explain repeatedly that they're biologically still meant to have children, even if they choose not to or are infertile. But the biology is still there. Rogan keeps arguing, but an infertile couple is the same as a gay couple!

No, no it's not Joe. Walsh is approaching this from a 100% Biblical level and he said as much. He also said sex before marriage is immoral. This should be some cred back for Rogan with the gays. But this conversation should have been 10 minutes long
Joe keeps going on, "If God didn't want them to be gay, why would he make them gay?". Thinking he has Walsh in a corner or something.

FFS, Joe. If God didn't want Hitler to be a genocidal maniac, he wouldn't have made him so. Hitler is God's fault! God wants kids to get cancer!

I hate this line of thinking. There are only 2 options with religion. Either it's ALL God's doing, every bit of it. Or God doesn't interfere, make us any certain way, or do fuckall with life on earth. God doesn't intentionally make some people gay. It's such an absurd argument.
You'd like this episode, egs. Bjorn Lomborg. Right now talking about how our energy issues are going to result in deaths because of the resources people burn indoors to stay warm (the dung, etc) and that the pollution indoor levels among the poor, which is most of the world, is higher than downtown Bejing.

Also notes Nuclear is the safest and best form of energy. Seriously, get these smart people more attention FFS.
DocZaius said:
Oh, I love those episodes. I tried to read one of Hancock's books once because the whole alternate history stuff is fascinating to me, but it was a snoozer.

Fingerprints of the Gods is excellent. Message of the Sphinx cowritten with Buvall is also good. There's an underwater one that gets boring and he could have made more entertaining. America Before....tons of great information, but he gets so bogged down it was an asswhip to read. Too many callbacks to his other books. When he gets into DNA links, he goes on for pages and pages of DNA minutia and it was excruciating and I stopped reading it for a long time. He just stretched it out far too long. But he does it because he's in defense mode
Evil gator said:
Juggs said:
Evil gator said:
oh yeah he's terrific. I will listen, I need something not about midterms.

He was great except for "everyone needs to be vegetarian because it reduces climate change". He can fuck off with that

Ha I haven’t heard him say that.
He also got into climate change/hurricanes. He did note they aren't getting more frequent but actually declining. However....he did say climate change is making them stronger.

And there's no f'n evidence for that, especially given the documentation we have is a grain of sand in the history of the world. But explain Hurricane Andrew. Or going some of the hurricanes that devastated Florida and Texas in the early 1900s.
I hate it when Neil D. Tyson gets political. Had a good show with Rogan and then we can near the end and he randomly says that we're not living in a free country if we pass a law where a person can't express their happiness by dressing as the opposite sex. Now he's on a rant about shit related to this. By defining man/masculinity vs female/feminism is a created binary on top of chromosomes to divide us.

FFS. Neil should be smarter than this nonsense. Not to mention there hasn't been a single word regarding a law making cross dressing or trans illegal. Rogan questions that and he responds by saying "there are forces in place preventing this".

Where? Trans is fucking EVERYWHERE. I haven't seen any forces in place to keep people from dressing in any way. And he somehow correlated that to the bathroom issue. Proof that intelligent people aren't always smart.
There are no laws against a dude wearing a dress - taxpayers don’t want to fund shitty “entertainment” particularly if it’s sexual for children.
In fairness he’s not even a very good scientist- he’s just charismatic

Good scientists express the levels of uncertainty regarding theories and data
Evil gator said:
In fairness he’s not even a very good scientist- he’s just charismatic

Good scientists express the levels of uncertainty regarding theories and data

I heard someone else say that recently. His celebrity has made him fall straight into playing the political game where he's not a real scientist anymore.

I mean, I do love listening to the guy. If he sticks to science and what we know, he does know his shit. And he is pretty funny at times. I've been listening to him for quite a while now and he wasn't like this a few years ago. He fell into the game or decided to use his celebrity to push a narrative during Trump's time in office.