Politics Politics

Evil gator said:
so I think this article is behind a paywall

but its ridic, my work pays thousands of dollars to subscribe, and most articles have quotes from both sides of this issue. This is all how wonderful biden is for declaring a climate emergency from activists. I just wrote to bitch about it - can get the activist take anywhere for free.

its horrible, he can shut off oil leases and all kinds of terrible shit, and he was just waiting for a heat wave. What a POS.

At this point I don't care who is pulling the strings on Biden or how insufferable Kamala is, who is notably more shaken and worse at speaking than before she made it into the WH......I want to see him die, be impeached, or retire before his term is up. Let's find out who the real demons are.
The comments here are hilarious / some old people with flags is triggering

Evil gator said:
The comments here are hilarious / some old people with flags is triggering


:lol: :lol:
None of what these idiots say is legitimate, not even close, and I don’t think they believe it either, it’s about brainwashing the their idiot fucktard followers to keep them in power, while they enrich themselves, oldest grift ever. What’s so perplexing is why itf they have “followers”???
Biden announces he has cancer apparently.

There were already rumors of him stepping down or people within the party of him stepping down. So doe she really have cancer or is this an excuse to get him out of the way because he's an embarrassment?

And he blamed the oil industry?

Or maybe he misspoke somehow because he had skin cancer before?