Politics Politics

TF is wrong with these people, and who give a F what that idiot thinks? His only relevance is he won the lottery as someone’s f trophy
DocZaius said:
Fuck him.

Not gonna watch but deos he mention China and the uighars? Don't know how to spell that shit

Or ANY Muslim country and their treatment of women and gays?

He can fuck off with his cunt wife.
Irish Mike said:
DocZaius said:
Fuck him.

Not gonna watch but deos he mention China and the uighars? Don't know how to spell that shit

Or ANY Muslim country and their treatment of women and gays?

He can fuck off with his cunt wife.
Yeah they never mention that stuff only how the us is the worst because now to get an abortion someone may have to drive a bit further than they do now
Always great to see foreigners acting like they know about our Constitution, which they get wrong every single time. A global threat on democracy :lol: Most of the so called democracies are kind the world are a sham.
Juggs said:
Soros funded organization wins 170 something million dollar contract from Biden to spend a billion tax payer dollars to help illegals escape transportation.


yep! This is where your tax dollars go and why so much of the cries for government action on stuff like climate change is an absolute grift. Unions and special interest groups fund dem elections, then dems name something like equity or warm weather an existential crisis, and funnel a bunch of money back to their friends, and absolutely no one is helped other than their friends, who say how bad capitalism is, get rich. now its not just gov but also corporations who pay hush money to groups like BLM - and nothing gets better.

republicans take a ton of shit for lowering taxes for everyone which also benefits groups who donate to them, but that helps the economy and workers but capitalism is bad!
I listened to a podcast with Jordan Peterson this morning, most of it was letting a woman from Senegal speak on BLM, businesses, etc. So here we have an African woman speaking in her 4th language telling Americans how F'd they are for saying BLM and then promoting energy policies that will kill a ton of Africans because renewable energy is never coming to Africa. Promoting socialism/communism kills any Africans chance of prosperity by not allowing Capatalism. It was a long, over an hour, but she made some excellent points pointing out the hypocrisy of the liberals who claim to love black benefit, but only benefit themselves and actually do damage to blacks everywhere.
yeah the progress and better, longer lives we are denying to the poorer parts of the world is disgusting. The environmental movement is very very racist. they like to focus on the real but very minor impacts of fossil fuels and ignore the alternatives: poor people burning animal shit and wood on primitive stoves in tiny homes and breathing that shit in, which is 100x more harmful that even an old coal plant supplying thousands of homes and allowing them not to need to breathe in all that crap in their house.

the latest drinkin bros podcast has Alex Epstein and good coverage of this.

rich euros are terrible about this. I thought prince william might be less of an idiot than his dad, but he recently whined that growing population in Africa is destroying animal habitats. While he is allowed to have 3 kids and 10 homes and private jets because of who is parents are. what a piece of shit.
Evil gator said:
rich euros are terrible about this. I thought prince william might be less of an idiot than his dad, but he recently whined that growing population in Africa is destroying animal habitats. While he is allowed to have 3 kids and 10 homes and private jets because of who is parents are. what a piece of shit.

Isn't that all of the elites? You, buy an electric car while I take private jets and then go on a week long cruise on a private yacht that burns thousands of gallons of diesel per hour and my multiple houses having thousand dollar electric bills when they're never there.

That's basically the entirety of Hollywood and all climate change politicians.

Then you've got Trudeau who rails on climate change and energy but flew enough files to circle the earth 3 times in less than a year.

Shaprio said it best. Humans adapt. Use fossil fuels to improve people's lives and whatever changes my happen in the future, we adapt to them. Fossil fuels are not ending the f'n world.
Juggs said:
Evil gator said:
rich euros are terrible about this. I thought prince william might be less of an idiot than his dad, but he recently whined that growing population in Africa is destroying animal habitats. While he is allowed to have 3 kids and 10 homes and private jets because of who is parents are. what a piece of shit.

Isn't that all of the elites? You, buy an electric car while I take private jets and then go on a week long cruise on a private yacht that burns thousands of gallons of diesel per hour and my multiple houses having thousand dollar electric bills when they're never there.

That's basically the entirety of Hollywood and all climate change politicians.

Then you've got Trudeau who rails on climate change and energy but flew enough files to circle the earth 3 times in less than a year.

Shaprio said it best. Humans adapt. Use fossil fuels to improve people's lives and whatever changes my happen in the future, we adapt to them. Fossil fuels are not ending the f'n world.
yeah they are all terrible hypocrites. They will always have air conditioning and steak.
When did SCOTUS tell America they don't have a right to breathe clean air?

Why don't these lunatics just say, "I don't understand how the branches of government work, so I want to change the government to do only what I want them to do".
so there have never been abortion providers in every town every where. I drove my roommate to get one. travel has generally been required. All that's changed is that some people might have to drive further. its moronic.
"power grab"


not righting decades of scotus grabbing power for the executive branch by sending power back to congress and the states.
We need a good plague to take out the soft & fatties, or a good ol
country people / farmers vs woke pussies war. Other than something dramatic, how do we fix this?
Tommy said:
We need a good plague to take out the soft & fatties, or a good ol
country people / farmers vs woke pussies war. Other than something dramatic, how do we fix this?

I don't think it can be fixed without something extremely dramatic. People are going to have to suffer some real prolonged crisis for all the bullshit to be pushed aside.
Just watched the video. Biden spent a couple years saying how he was going to stand up to Saudi for the murder of that reporter and hold them accountable. Then he gives the dude a fist bump. A reporter asks him about it, pointing out Biden said he was going to hold them accountable, not get chummy with a fist bump and Biden says, "Why don't you talk about something that matters".

Well, I think the President lying and being a weak coward is something that matters.
Also, Biden getting ready to declare a national "climate emergency".

NBC reporting on it and while discussing emissions and high temperatures, they show a clip of a nuclear power plant. Wow, the stupidity is just....wow.
so I think this article is behind a paywall

but its ridic, my work pays thousands of dollars to subscribe, and most articles have quotes from both sides of this issue. This is all how wonderful biden is for declaring a climate emergency from activists. I just wrote to bitch about it - can get the activist take anywhere for free.

its horrible, he can shut off oil leases and all kinds of terrible shit, and he was just waiting for a heat wave. What a POS.