Politics Politics

No, I don't know that they've hired a hollywood producer to be involved either before - apparently they hired the guy who buried the Epstein story, so sounds trustworthy.
Anniversary of the Battle of Carentan, 6/10/44-6/15/44. The men and women of the WW2 generation are fading away, poem below was written by Louis Simpson (1923-2012), a trooper who served with the 101st in France, Belgium, Germany and Holland.

Carentan O Carentan

Trees in the old days used to stand
And shape a shady lane
Where lovers wandered hand in hand
Who came from Carentan.

This was the shining green canal
Where we came two by two
Walking at combat-interval.
Such trees we never knew.

The day was early June, the ground
Was soft and bright with dew.
Far away the guns did sound,
But here the sky was blue.

The sky was blue, but there a smoke
Hung still above the sea
Where the ships together spoke
To towns we could not see.

Could you have seen us through a glass
You would have said a walk
Of farmers out to turn the grass,
Each with his own hay-fork.

The watchers in their leopard suits
Waited till it was time,
And aimed between the belt and boot
And let the barrel climb.

I must lie down at once, there is
A hammer at my knee.
And call it death or cowardice,
Don't count again on me.

Everything's all right, Mother,
Everyone gets the same
At one time or another.
It's all in the game.

I never strolled, nor ever shall,
Down such a leafy lane.
I never drank in a canal,
Nor ever shall again.

There is a whistling in the leaves
And it is not the wind,
The twigs are falling from the knives
That cut men to the ground.

Tell me, Master-Sergeant,
The way to turn and shoot.
But the Sergeant's silent
That taught me how to do it.

O Captain, show us quickly
Our place upon the map.
But the Captain's sickly
And taking a long nap.

Lieutenant, what's my duty,
My place in the platoon?
He too's a sleeping beauty,
Charmed by that strange tune.

Carentan O Carentan
Before we met with you
We never yet had lost a man
Or known what death could do.
Juggs said:
Speaking of, tomorrow I'm attending the 100th birthday party of a friend. An incredibly and interesting man, paratrooper in WW II, retired as Lt. Col.

That's talking to a living history book, very cool. Happy 100th Birthday Trooper! :numby:
H.R. 7910 passes House, now onto the senate. If Senate passes it (they won't), every RINO on their side should be....umm, I'll not put it into words

1) Guns can't be gifted to anyone but to immediate family.
2) Bans ghost guns of all type.
3) Makes it illegal to assemble gun parts. Their supposed intent is to ban buying gun parts and building your own gun. But the literal wording of it would mean it would be illegal to reassemble your gun after you've broken it down to clean it.
4) Gun parts have to be detectable by metal detectors or any kind of detection device. Which means no polymer weapon parts. In the wording, not part of the gun can be undetectable. So most CCW weapons are then illegal.
5) Back to the storage of the gun. Has to be locked up at all times.
6) Surgeon Generals warning on guns :facepalm:
7) Bump stocks illegal, considered a machine gun...talked about this one plenty of times.

and drumroll....

8) Magazine capacity for all weapons limited to 10 rounds. Now it does grandfather in the ones you own, however you can never sell or gift those. But you'll never be able to buy another.
Needless to say, none of those restrictions - NOT ONE - would have prevented the Uvalde or Buffalo tragedies. Or Newtown or Stoneman Douglas.

I'm willing to entertain new gun laws if they bear some rational relationship to stopping these incidents. But this is nonsense.
DocZaius said:
Needless to say, none of those restrictions - NOT ONE - would have prevented the Uvalde or Buffalo tragedies. Or Newtown or Stoneman Douglas.

I'm willing to entertain new gun laws if they bear some rational relationship to stopping these incidents. But this is nonsense.

Yep. It really only makes it obvious that they're trying to take steps to eventually banning guns or sneak pieces in here and there. It's laughable when they pretend to actually care about the shootings when they refuse to address anything that could prevent them.
DocZaius said:
I'm willing to entertain new gun laws if they bear some rational relationship to stopping these incidents. But this is nonsense.

Nah. Fuck them and fuck any new laws. Repeal the NFA and every other infringement on the 2A.
52:20 said:
Mandatory carry for everybody

The government should buy everyone a gun if they can't afford one. We do it for lawyers in criminal cases, so why not for one of our other enshrined enumerated rights?
DocZaius said:
Needless to say, none of those restrictions - NOT ONE - would have prevented the Uvalde or Buffalo tragedies. Or Newtown or Stoneman Douglas.

I'm willing to entertain new gun laws if they bear some rational relationship to stopping these incidents. But this is nonsense.

yes, its not about actually doing anything but APPEARING to do something.
I keep seeing people post that they had to id some of the Uvalde kids by DNA, teeth, clothes, etc. They say limbs were shot off, heads decapitated. I don’t see how that would happen unless the shooter shot each child, multiple times, in the same spot over and over. If that is the case, then a fucking .22 long rifle cartridge could do that, with enough ammo.

I use 5.56/.223 for varmints, and have never had one decapitated or disfigured to the point I couldn’t id it. I 100% of the time aim for the heads of varmints. Shot a river otter, 2 months ago, with a 77 grain hollow point… eyes bulged a bit but you could still tell it was an otter.

Only time I have made a mess of one was shooting a large beaver, with a 325 grain, 45-70 round. Beaver rained down for a minute that time.
ufgators68 said:
I keep seeing people post that they had to id some of the Uvalde kids by DNA, teeth, clothes, etc. They say limbs were shot off, heads decapitated. I don’t see how that would happen unless the shooter shot each child, multiple times, in the same spot over and over. If that is the case, then a fucking .22 long rifle cartridge could do that, with enough ammo.

I use 5.56/.223 for varmints, and have never had one decapitated or disfigured to the point I couldn’t id it. I 100% of the time aim for the heads of varmints. Shot a river otter, 2 months ago, with a 77 grain hollow point… eyes bulged a bit but you could still tell it was an otter.

Only time I have made a mess of one was shooting a large beaver, with a 325 grain, 45-70 round. Beaver rained down for a minute that time.

They're saying it because Biden claimed the coroner said that. Obviously a lie and a lot of America is too ignorant to find out the truth.
Liberal betas comment on Jack Del Rio. Complains about Del Rio bringing up politics, he's a coach and should say nothing. Ummmm....but this bitch is just fine with all of Hollywood and black athletes like Kapernick and Lebron James, inserting politics into things not relevant to their job. At the same time, as a sports analyst who is hammering Del Rio, goes on to say Trump lied with every single thing he ever said. Liberals are such whiny, hypocritical wastes of air.
Juggs said:
Liberal betas comment on Jack Del Rio. Complains about Del Rio bringing up politics, he's a coach and should say nothing. Ummmm....but this bitch is just fine with all of Hollywood and black athletes like Kapernick and Lebron James, inserting politics into things not relevant to their job. At the same time, as a sports analyst who is hammering Del Rio, goes on to say Trump lied with every single thing he ever said. Liberals are such whiny, hypocritical wastes of air.

Lebron's utopian school where 3 black kids beat a white kid to death?

yeah how dare Del Rio call jan 6 a dustup and point out the summer 20 riots were far worse.
this is hilarious


"Biden has no control over oil prices" is anyone buying that? I am expected to believe that a wapo writer doesn't understand how policy impacts industries, or they are lying.
Evil gator said:
this is hilarious


"Biden has no control over oil prices" is anyone buying that? I am expected to believe that a wapo writer doesn't understand how policy impacts industries, or they are lying.
At this point, I don't care. I think many liberals are willfully ignorant and don't want to believe their precious liberal energy policy ideology caused these issues. It's denial. Journalists are likely outright lying.