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Politics Politics

Dan Crenshaw loses his mind and said he'd fucking kill Tucker Carlson if they ever met on a hot mic.

A retired SEAL and Congressman saying he'd kill a guy he despises accidentally caught on camera is not a good look :lol: If Tucker had a car accident tomorrow and died, would Dan be a suspect? :lol:
I really used to like Crenshaw. Then he sued a podcast I listen to and now this. I wonder if whatever blinded him fucked up his brain. He really could have been a great leader.
I really used to like Crenshaw. Then he sued a podcast I listen to and now this. I wonder if whatever blinded him fucked up his brain. He really could have been a great leader.
Yeah, first time I saw him was on Rogan years ago and he was awesome.

But then the war hawk Ukraine stuff and he started getting erratic. He's gone looney on X a few times. I read that he had surgery or some kind of issues with his eye and they were wondering if losing vision completely just pushed him over the edge.
Yeah, he's done some insider trading that he denies.

I mean, come on....if any one of us got into politics, got into Congress and had the opportunity to get rich on something like insider trading....we'd all do it too :lol:
Rachel Maddow says MSNBC is racist for firing Joy Reid. She just called her bosses racist :lol:.And she her firing is akin to censorship and violating of free speech that affects us all :facepalm:

The clip of Joy crying as she says "my show had value" despite no viewers is hysterical
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I’ve always like Tulsi, though some of her positions I didn’t agree with, but she seems to have seen the light. She might be Vance’s vp?
I’ve always like Tulsi, though some of her positions I didn’t agree with, but she seems to have seen the light. She might be Vance’s vp?
Pubs have fell for her 180 about socialism and the 2A, so it would be a smart pick. As long as her actions are solid, I don't really care if it's authentic or not. She spent quite a few years being a socialist and had many (not a few) anti-American views and she only left the party because the establishment D's kicked her ass out. It's pretty convenient she disappears for a while, then a video of her shooting an AR appears and suddenly she's right back in the picture and boom, look at her now. Fucking politics.....

But whether she was lying then or now, as I said, as long as her actions are pro-America, I don't care. I still don't trust her.
Soooo, my liberal neighbor has been having her daughter come to my house before school and walk with us to the bus stop so she can get to work. She's worked from home off and on for years. I don't ask details, but she just mentioned, "She's trying to figure out how to deal with not being allowed to do any work from home....."

I was drinking when she told me what she does years ago, but I think it's environmental scientist or similar. Sounds like she may have a government job and got DOGE'd :lol:
Not that I disagree with the return to work orders, but it is pretty life changing working remote to back in office, especially when you have kids.