Politics Politics

Twitter often raises interesting questions about reportedly racist rallies, like the fake one for youngkin.

It does seem like there would be a few fats in the group
with crime rampant, inflation, supply chain, and all the other issues going on for normies, the Biden Admin releases a sweeping new program for something that doesn't affect anyone's daily life but they decided is super important like gender


ps this shit is likely happening, I just lack faith that they are going to do anything to actually fix it.
Evil gator said:
It is weird none of them are fat

I'm not a conspiracy theorist or anything, but something does seem fishy here.

A thread about how this march was first reported:


Then again, Patriot Front is a known group and they pulled a similar stunt in Philly over the summer: https://www.inquirer.com/news/patriot-front-philadelphia-march-fourth-of-july-20210704.html

Probably a real march by a real group, but something fishy going on with Twitter.
Also the fact that this is portrayed as a serious threat vs say general crime like carjackings

Seems the VP is a bit rough on staffers.

...But the quartet of soon-to-be-empty desks reignited questions about why Harris churns through top-level Democratic staff, an issue that has colored her nearly 18 years in public service, including her historic but uneven first year as vice president. Now, those questions about her management extend to whether it will hamper her ability to seek and manage the presidency.....

Staffers who worked for Harris before she was vice president said one consistent problem was that Harris would refuse to wade into briefing materials prepared by staff members, then berate employees when she appeared unprepared.

“It’s clear that you’re not working with somebody who is willing to do the prep and the work,” one former staffer said. “With Kamala you have to put up with a constant amount of soul-destroying criticism and also her own lack of confidence. So you’re constantly sort of propping up a bully and it’s not really clear why.”

She may be hell to work for, but six months to a year in is usually when people who have been on the campaign and transition cash out. They may never have the access or clout that they have for the next three years.
If that fat fuck actually cared for things other than himself, like the US & Pub party, he’d stfu and let someone less polarizing run, and they’d win in a landslide against pants shitter. The Dems could run Satan himself against Trump and it’d be the same result as 2020, Trumps just too much of a narcissist. Dan Crenshaw, Nikki Haley, Tim Scott, maybe DeSantis would annihilate any Dem, they really screwed themselves with shitter Joe, the Squad, etc, but never underestimate the Pubs ability to shit the bed as bad as the Dems
Tommy said:
If that fat fuck actually cared for things other than himself, like the US & Pub party, he’d stfu and let someone less polarizing run, and they’d win in a landslide against pants shitter. The Dems could run Satan himself against Trump and it’d be the same result as 2020, Trumps just too much of a narcissist. Dan Crenshaw, Nikki Haley, Tim Scott, maybe DeSantis would annihilate any Dem, they really screwed themselves with shitter Joe, the Squad, etc, but never underestimate the Pubs ability to shit the bed as bad as the Dems

Sadly agree. But if things keep going the way they are, Biden could run opposed and lose.
Just the beginning...

Trump is beating Biden soundly in polls, and we all know they trend left. I dislike trumps style but his policies are far better than people realize.

wonder how long the Dems have damaged their brand for. Crime, economy, national security, education, on and on. It took another 12 years and a shift to the right by the Dems to be elected.

The Dems have no bench; the policy leaders are hard left. As long as the Rs downplay it the crazy, and even if not, it’s tough to see how the Dems earn back any trust at all
Trump is beating Biden soundly in polls, and we all know they trend left. I dislike trumps style but his policies are far better than people realize.

wonder how long the Dems have damaged their brand for. Crime, economy, national security, education, on and on. It took another 12 years and a shift to the right by the Dems to be elected post Carter and by every measure Biden is worse

The Dems have no bench; the policy leaders are hard left. As long as the Rs downplay it the crazy, and even if not, it’s tough to see how the Dems earn back any trust at all
Yeah, at this point Biden is so amazingly terrible, I think the moderates who couldn't bring themselves to vote for him now wish they'd have accepted his obnoxious tweets and unprofessional attitude for sound policies than....whatever Biden is.
I mean there’s like 30% or more who think Rs are evil and won’t ever vote for any, and states that are solidly blue, but this feels a lot like when Giuliani and Pataki were elected to clean up the mess Dems had made.

The only way Clinton got elected was being a better politician and less out of touch than bush Sr (and the dumb tax pledge) but also that he’d be moderate tough on crime and end welfare and reduce government. People forget how far right Clinton really was - policy wise not all that far from trump.
Can you see any dem running and winning a primary with anything close to Clinton’s policies? Dems now all want open borders and think pronouns are the most important thing, other than rare holdouts like Manchin
Evil gator said:
Trump is beating Biden soundly in polls, and we all know they trend left. I dislike trumps style but his policies are far better than people realize.

wonder how long the Dems have damaged their brand for. Crime, economy, national security, education, on and on. It took another 12 years and a shift to the right by the Dems to be elected.

The Dems have no bench; the policy leaders are hard left. As long as the Rs downplay it the crazy, and even if not, it’s tough to see how the Dems earn back any trust at all

Yeah, it'll probably take a decade for them to stop doubling down on all the stupid shit they do. Their kneejerk reaction to the publics dislike of their positions is to blame the public and believe they didn't push hard enough to the left. I'm afraid it's going to push the fringes on both sides and we are going to trade off until ideocracy is fully realized.
Both parties have moved left overall in the past decade tho. That’s why a lot of the identity politics is so stupid and there’s so much grasping at calling anyone moderate or right a homophobe or racist. The right is less interested in those issues than ever.
this should help
