Politics Politics

More than 80 people in an organized mob even, stormed a Nordstrom in Cali, attacked employees and stole everything they could.

Good job, California. Continue to excuse, ie condone, crime to remain PC
The ruthless podcast has a good discussion of this today - liberal dark money groups have been getting lax liberal prosecutors elected and appointed for that past few and this is the result - criminals running rampant
Tim Pool talking about the Biden's and the Burisma scandal. Hunter put on the board of an energy company in Ukraine put on the board randomly. Biden meets with President and says, you want a billion dollars in aide, fire some prosecutor over the founder of Burisma. Trump gets into power, prosecutor flees. Biden gets in office and that guy returns to his former position. Something doesn't make sense about that.

Then he talks about the laptop and how Joe and Hunter share bank accounts. Joe flew Hunter on Air Force 2 to China for a meeting. China gave Hunter a 5 million dollar forgivable loan. Free money they never pay back. In an account Joe has access to.
Sorry, Juggs. That’s fake news, didn’t you hear? The guy who first received the laptop is blind and couldn’t ID who dropped it off. Nothing to investigate.
The arranging for China to buy African cobalt mine is perfectly fine and has nothing to do with it being important for “clean energy” and this admin focused on killing fossil fuels above all else
And in addition to making the Bidens richer and China more powerful it will make us way poorer! See for example Minnesota

What a fucking moron. This is every bit as crazy as any republican


Rep Curtis introduced himself to me in 2017 when he first got to town like a normal person
He said today the high oil prices aren’t due to hi policies. I saw congressman mo Khanna say even if the areas closed off to exploration were opened it would take time to change the market. They are trying to kill an industry with dozens of policies. The bbb includes a huge tax on nat gas. I can’t believe anyone voted for this
Also Pelosi is so worried about climate change and sea level rise she’s buying this oceanfront home in Florida
