Politics Politics

Evil gator said:
I don’t mind an abortion here or there but this is fucked up



For midterms Biden freeing all the simple possession of pot incarcerated.

Of course how many federally convicted are there? I guess if you get caught in a national park or federal building?
Evil gator said:
why not pass federal legislation legalizing it?? dems you had one damn thing to do fuckers

I know I've mentioned it before, but wtf didn't obama do it? Biden needs to nut up and get it done. They've both had majorities in the house and senate. What lobbying/donor group is keeping the dems from legalizing?
52:20 said:
Evil gator said:
why not pass federal legislation legalizing it?? dems you had one damn thing to do fuckers

I know I've mentioned it before, but wtf didn't obama do it? Biden needs to nut up and get it done. They've both had majorities in the house and senate. What lobbying/donor group is keeping the dems from legalizing?

its a matter of how they want to use political capital. Obama was more understandable - you didn't have many (or any?) states with it legalized and it wasn't as overwhelming popular - now though, its just stupid it that its not a higher priority. if the squad understood legislation their jobs at all, given their interest in inequitable incarcerations for this, they would have camped out in Pelosi's office til it came on the floor, but they are just useless grifters.
Well... politics and UF.
Ben Sasse to be next UF president.

There may be some worry about sasse, but Purdue hired a moderate R politician Mitch Daniels as President and it’s been amazing, he didn’t raise tuition for over 10 years and worked out a deal where students can pay for their education with their wages and other pratical innovative great stuff.

Sasse has also written about pussification and seems to have a sensible pragmatic take on things like Daniels and it could be a good thing

Not hiring someone from the cesspool that woke education has become is a good thing.
This is sasse’s book

The Vanishing American Adult: Our Coming-of-Age Crisis--and How to Rebuild a Culture of Self-Reliance https://a.co/d/82fHhqL

I think it could work out well. Having an understanding of federal funding and government is also a plus
Evil gator said:
52:20 said:
Evil gator said:
why not pass federal legislation legalizing it?? dems you had one damn thing to do fuckers

I know I've mentioned it before, but wtf didn't obama do it? Biden needs to nut up and get it done. They've both had majorities in the house and senate. What lobbying/donor group is keeping the dems from legalizing?

its a matter of how they want to use political capital. Obama was more understandable - you didn't have many (or any?) states with it legalized and it wasn't as overwhelming popular - now though, its just stupid it that its not a higher priority. if the squad understood legislation their jobs at all, given their interest in inequitable incarcerations for this, they would have camped out in Pelosi's office til it came on the floor, but they are just useless grifters.

Because weed crimes help keep the jails full. Shit, people with victimless weed crimes are still in jail in Cali where it's legal FFS. Not to mention statistics prove that people with easy access to weed eliminate use of opiates, anti-depressants, etc. as dependencies in a surprisingly high percentage. There's too much money to be made by Big Pharma to let them legalize weed. Payoffs.
If Kamala tries to run, she’ll be smoked over this very issue, Gabbard used it to nuke her last attempt. She’s a characterless opportunistic grifter pos.
The USDA website wants you to register your garden. Because your garden may be causing climate change. And you best not be using fertilizer and blah blah blah blah. They can "help" you do it the right way.

So yes, let's give the government control over your own garden in addition to every other aspect of our lives.

For fucks sake, burn it all down.
part of the thing with weed offenses, a lot of them pled down to that, so these aren't necessarily nice people. and most people in fed prison aren't in there for just pot, so pretty meaningless.

in more important news, Biden is considering shutting off all drilling the Gulf of Mexico, and buying from Venezuela. People voted for this guy.
Tommy said:
If Kamala tries to run, she’ll be smoked over this very issue, Gabbard used it to nuke her last attempt. She’s a characterless opportunistic grifter pos.
That entire situation is hilarious. First, watching Tulsi dismantle her was awesome.

Tulsi is a very mixed bag. She has some positions I really agree with. Unfortunately she's also an outright socialist. And I think the majority of Dems who are usually a little more rational, but too afraid to speak out against the far left, would love her. But the establishment would have her killed before letting her win the primary and changing the face of the Dems.
Evil gator said:
part of the thing with weed offenses, a lot of them pled down to that, so these aren't necessarily nice people. and most people in fed prison aren't in there for just pot, so pretty meaningless.

in more important news, Biden is considering shutting off all drilling the Gulf of Mexico, and buying from Venezuela. People voted for this guy.

Absolutely. Obviously that should be reviewed case by case. Though Biden did just pardon thousands of weed offenders from jail.

And what a shock. Energy crisis? High gas prices? Further destroy America and give money to corrupt regimes. How the fuck is a single news source not calling out the fact that Biden is giving away America's dependence to our very enemies?
because the greens run things. Buying dirty fuel and shipping it from their communist abusive friends is better than letting hard working americans earn a good living and make it cleaner and cheaper here. The point isn't the climate religion, its kneecapping american workers and business to the point where we can nationalize everything and the communists and their friends are rich and the rest of us destitute.

ive been studying this a long time and I can't find another explanation.
Juggs said:
Evil gator said:
part of the thing with weed offenses, a lot of them pled down to that, so these aren't necessarily nice people. and most people in fed prison aren't in there for just pot, so pretty meaningless.

in more important news, Biden is considering shutting off all drilling the Gulf of Mexico, and buying from Venezuela. People voted for this guy.

Absolutely. Obviously that should be reviewed case by case. Though Biden did just pardon thousands of weed offenders from jail.

Guy on tv said that Biden can't just issue a blanket pardon. Everyone being pardoned has to be specifically named, so I would hope that the less deserving stay locked up.
yes I'm sure this administration is spot on with that considering all the care they take into doing things legally and reasonably, like getting the right people out of Afghanistan and not random terrorists, using executive power to forgive loans, vaccine mandates, promising aid based on race, etc. I'm sure they are right on top of doing things correctly because they are competent grown ups.