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⚡ACHTUNG!⚡ environmental thread

The thing is I watched overreactions to small changes that only streamlined permitting sold as completely gutting the clean air act and we’re all gonna die. I think the Biden admin was a blessing because they just steamrolled and Trump is doing that. He knows they want him dead so fuck em all

And he had a bunch of appointees who understand spin and know how to handle the criticism
He knows they want him dead so fuck em all
This is what I'm counting on. Leftists don't realize how badly everything backfired on them. Cheating in 2020, putting in Biden, and destroying the country did far more for Republicans and the country in the long run than if Trump had won then. And trying to prosecute and kill him to top it off? They turned more people against them every step of the way.
yeah if the biden admin was run the way he portrayed himself, good chance of a dem in the WH now. But the interns running things decided to pay people not to work and pump cash into leftwing causes causing inflation, open the border, force the jab, embrace transing kids and silenced any objection. People notice that craven opportunism grift and incompetence.
I can’t believe people still listen to the worthless sack

It's amazing. Politicians run their mouths like they're experts when even the experts aren't experts. They spout impossible numbers and people just think he's honest/correct. It's baffling. Net zero? I'm pretty sure the fires in California in the last week or two alone has offset everything we've done in the last 10 years :lol:
lol Politico lefties are mad about the necessity of Trump declaring an energy emergency but fine with the “climate emergency” Dems scream about.
In fairness, the exact opposite is true also. We bitch about climate emergencies when we should have energy emergencies.

We're the ones right of course and they're total retards, but still :lol:
In fairness, the exact opposite is true also. We bitch about climate emergencies when we should have energy emergencies.

We're the ones right of course and they're total retards, but still :lol:
A huge amount of energy is needed for AI and it’s strategic to sell it to all the other countries that need it. It makes Russia and Iran poorer
I am safely back in the beltway


Reminds me of reason #271 I hate Youtubers. A fairly conservative black Marine use to do just sit in his office, grind his coffee, smoke a cigar and review knives, guns, EDC items, share deals he found online, etc. Then the last few months it slowly started turning more prepping/predictions for SHTF because of Trump. A couple days ago he said he's worried about the Trump destabilizing the Nation with these firings/threats. The the commentors said (and he agreed) that this could make us vulnerable at home and abroad.

I'm like, what? How is making tax payer funded government workers do the job they're paid to do make us vulnerable? Those who are "working form home" and not actually working are dead weight and a waste of money, no loss there. Corrupt employees who targeted Trump will be replaced, no harm there.

They said it's going to cause mass attrition from government employees and/or a shutdown. Again, do these nimrods not pay attention? Shutdowns happen, BFD, wouldn't be the first. Mass attrition? No, people aren't leaving their cushy government job because some worthless people get fired (if they have a legit job and they're good at it).

Cutting bloat and worthless or corrupt employees, there is absolutely zero downside to this. Naturally I asked the guy when he became a fear mongering grifter.
People who think the vast majority of gov employees are necessary for our quality of life are morons. Same thing with most foreign aid. Giving corrupt regimes $ isn’t going to make them like us it makes them think we’re chumps. What works is having them NEED us. Produce plenty of energy for export. Only sell it to countries that don’t behave like assholes. That actually works and makes us richer and more respected
People who think the vast majority of gov employees are necessary for our quality of life are morons. Same thing with most foreign aid. Giving corrupt regimes $ isn’t going to make them like us it makes them think we’re chumps. What works is having them NEED us. Produce plenty of energy for export. Only sell it to countries that don’t behave like assholes. That actually works and makes us richer and more respected
Nobody actually believes it, like blaming eggs prices on trump two weeks in, saying he’s not deporting enough, it’s just something to bitch about. It doesn’t matter if it’s verifiably stupid.
Nah I really think some people think they are holding stuff together
The same ones crying on tiktok. Saw one from libs of tiktok yesterday about a trans"man" who said "he" hasn't slept at all since Trump was elected and it wants to leave Florida because it's always living in fear and wants to move to NY or Canada.

Did I miss the part where Trump promoted beating or killing trannies? Those lunatics are the one who really believe the government is critical.
We tried to gently convince her to stop reading fear porn.

She was born in another country, raised very conservatively, and since has listened to some idiotic grifters. She’s said stuff about unreported lynching and “sundown towns” I’ve tried to point out it’s not 1960
We tried to gently convince her to stop reading fear porn.

She was born in another country, raised very conservatively, and since has listened to some idiotic grifters. She’s said stuff about unreported lynching and “sundown towns” I’ve tried to point out it’s not 1960
Oh FFS. Yeah, 95% of MSM is left wing and they're not reporting lynching and shit. That's just brain dead level stupid right there.