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⚡ACHTUNG!⚡ Catch all/random thread

I didn't know that. I love going to REI, but I rarely buy anything there because anything good is pricey. Wal Mart is good enough for most camping stuff.
REI also stopped carrying products who associated with anything firearm related.

But glamping, yeah, Walmart is fine. For backpacking, no....their stuff is far too heavy. But there are plenty of other places than REI to shop.....they may or may not have politics I disagree with, but I don't have a way of knowing about it.
I just saw that schools are closing in FL & GA tomorrow for storms? I don't think I ever recall that happening outside of hurricane season.
All the surrounding counties cancelled early today. Alachua just put it on their website minutes ago, still no call or email from the retards.

But yeah, rare. A YouTube channel I follow has been saying for months that this winter will have more severe storms from NC FL through Tenn than we’ve seen in a long time due to El Nina. May be right.
FTR - I'm going to be pissed if this storm isn't bad. Just like our overreactions to the glorified storms called "hurricanes" that are supposed to hit us and we barely get rain or wind.....These bitches best not get my hopes up for a good storm.
Where's this storm supposed to come from? There's barely anything on the radar and it's just a thin strip. Most of it is north of us. I'm guessing another miserable failure of a forecast.
Flying for work today, sat on the tarmac for 2 hrs, ATL is at ground stop. Now my pilots are timed out, guessing they’ll cancel my flight. Would usually appreciate it, but I really need to be in person for this meeting, hard to softly tell a client they are fucking up over video
Flying for work today, sat on the tarmac for 2 hrs, ATL is at ground stop. Now my pilots are timed out, guessing they’ll cancel my flight. Would usually appreciate it, but I really need to be in person for this meeting, hard to softly tell a client they are fucking up over video
yeah some shit has to be done in person.

I do get nervous now whenever people want in person, like my boss wanting coffee a bit worried it was the ax
the CRAZY INSANE SCHOOL CLOSING STORM lasted about 20 minutes and the wind got to maybe 35mph. Yawn.
the CRAZY INSANE SCHOOL CLOSING STORM lasted about 20 minutes and the wind got to maybe 35mph. Yawn.
Yep. Almost all of it went north of us. We got some good rain for a few hours, but wind was mild. I'm watching the radar and see our "tornado warning" alerts were actually hitting Georgia, not us. As usual, they freak out over nothing.
Yep. Almost all of it went north of us. We got some good rain for a few hours, but wind was mild. I'm watching the radar and see our "tornado warning" alerts were actually hitting Georgia, not us. As usual, they freak out over nothing.
The neighborhood I lived in in PCB was rekt by a tornado.
That's some white trash shit right there. They have a large memorial sticker across their trucks glass for dad who died at 90 years old like it was an unexpected tragedy? Right beside their NASCAR sticker, of course.