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🤬Bitch Bitch thread

It's 12 or 15 weeks in Florida.

Side note, I was in Bama the last few days. Saturday night was my first time in Birmingham. What a shithole.
6 weeks now, which is fucking stupid, why not totally ban if you are going to ban after 6 weeks? I sympathize with anti abortionists but I'm not anti,
No nudes :icon-lol: I wouldn't share any of this one, she's a keeper. I'm sure by now she's tagged me on FB

And why even bid if you know you there's no chance. Winning bid has to be a small operation, no HR type shit to drive up overhead costs, etc.

Just saw those.

Nobody knew they were going to go that low. It makes no sense. They're one of the larger firms in the state.
The 6 weeks ban isn't in practice yet.
Yeah, going down to 6 will be stupid. Few women are going to run out and get a pregnancy test because they're a couple days late, then you have to make an appt, get time off work....It's not reasonable at all. 12 weeks is entirely reasonable though to notice and plan for an abortion, let alone decide whether or not you want to have it. Even most Republicans agree with it because we're not all hardcore bible thumpers....they're just going along with it to spite the liberals :lol:
I forgot to put that here.

Maybe Biden was in his big senile moment and he's actually not pro-abortion. He hears 6 week limit and he does his cross thing......oops, he forgot who his puppet masters. The only other explanation is he thinks Jesus supports abortions.

The longer clip is great, the camera man zooms way out and shows they're like in an old folks home and there's only 15 people there at most. And most of them look lost or bored as shit :lol:
Started getting a cold last week. By Thursday, complete congestion and sore throat. Ok, take it easy over the weekend.

Now i'm hacking up a lung, small fever, and all that stupid shit. What's with the slow roll buildup to being sick for a fucking week? I don't recall that ever happening. Maybe 1 day at most of, "I think I'm getting sick", not this dragging on shit.
Fkn rsv, thankfully I’ve only got the edge of it, feel
bad enough to be irritable, but not bad enough to sit in the bed & watch movies / shows all day.
I felt that way for a full week before the real part hit. I'm still hacking and have stuff rattling in the chest. 3 days of fever at 102 over a week ago, but this cough keeps lingering. I can't talk at all without going into a coughing fit.
Whole family got it right after all the masking requirements ended. It was 100 times worse than when we got covid.
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I hate lazy fuckers that wait until Friday to do their job. My phone has rang all morning with bullshit that could have been fixed earlier in the week.

I thought one was fixed, from last week, but she apparently hasn't been doing anything this week since her boss is out.
Last year I went to Walmart optometrist for glasses. They closed and just kept the vision center, no eye exams. I went to a private local place by my house this morning. Vision has been getting worse, having to increase font size, can't see road sizes as clearly, etc.

This place with all these 5 star rating, the owner/Dr was a condescending bitch. Forcing me to read completely blurry letters. I say I don't know, it's blurry. I can see a shape, that's all. She says guess anyway. So I have a 33% chance of guessing Q, C or O...maybe G, so 25%? Anyway, she completely dismissed symptoms. $140 later, I get the prescription. Doesn't look right, so I go home and compare it to my current prescription. It's HALF the strength of what I'm wearing now that isn't cutting it.

I go back up there with my current prescription paper and they completely blow me off. Sometimes yours eyes just get better they say. Whose fucking eyes get better in their 40s while their astigmatism gets slightly worse?

Her: We suggest you fill the prescription and see how that works for you, then we'll trouble shoot from there.
Me: So your suggestion is to pay a few hundred dollars, several hundred if I ordered from you, to get glasses that are half as strong as the ones right now while I need to lean forward and increase the font to see the computer clearly. And you think that's a good use of money to buy weaker glasses for weaker version. Seems a little counter intuitive doesn't it?
Her: Changes in vision affect people in different ways.
Me: If the prescription is weaker, shouldn't my taking my glasses off lead to less blurriness and not more, meaning my stronger glasses than the ones you're prescribing would work better than weaker ones?

She just kept repeating the same stupid, illogical shit. Basically, she was just telling me to fuck off, it doesn't matter if they fucked up.
Just got a text from the wife of a friend with a link to donate for their childs trip to Italy. WTF, when did they stop doing shit like washing cars and selling summer sausages to pay for stuff. I want to go to Italy, I really want to ask if they are having any fundraising events like the car wash etc that I can do and donate generously. I’d rather throw a hundred on them doing something, anything to earn it than give $20 bucks for nothing. And I can’t imagine they’d be happy with anything less than $100. Gave this bitch my UF UGA tickets for nothing last year and didn’t hear a peep out of her.
Fuck that noise. I had a cousin try to hit me up to donate to their "Mission Trip" to Ireland. NOPE.
Lost another friend to suicide. He was a German neurosurgeon. He had been battling depression and alcoholism. He gave me solid advice when my back was all fucked up. RIP, Daniel.