Fuck I hate architects. I have to say this every single time I work with them.
They hire us to do civil. They then interject trying to tell us how to do civil and get it all wrong. Yesterday, one Architect has a hissy fit over the new electrical transformer for the building being on the street in front of the library that's 50 feet off the road. Does anyone not notice that those transformer boxes are EVERYWHERE by the sidewalk? It's because utility companies need access to it and there's a requirement for space around their location. It's no big deal. But Archs get so worked up in their perceived aesthetics that they don't care about the real world, just the vision inside their head.
Speaking of the real world, a VA site I'm working on in Tampa, the Architect makes their own site plan, building layout, etc. First, I fucking hate that these assholes hire us to do this and then create their own sheets of a site layout and send it to us. They always fuck it up. Don't check codes, setbacks, landscape buffer requirements, wetland setback requirements. In this case, they didn't get a survey, they just assumed the as-builts were perfect and just went to town. I know better (plus the as-built is shit) and checked street view. It wasn't built like they thought, so their entire layout doesn't work. They're actually in Tampa, they can go to the fucking site and take pictures of existing conditions. This is especially important for us since we don't have an actual survey. Landscaping blocks my street view from verifying other information that I'm 99% sure is wrong.....I have to nicely ask them if they ever actually went to the site that's a few miles down the road or did they just make assumption off of years old drawings like fucking retards.