Well the Jappo is out of the picture. She was talking about how she doesn't have emotion, she was raised to always just smile and stay quiet. But she's not affectionate, doesn't share feelings, etc.
I'm like....so you're basically a robot? No passion, no feelings, no emotions......You realize men want a partner who wants to have sex, not just lays there like a doll, right? She'd said when her husband divorced her a few years ago (a white dude), she would have stayed with him anyway, but he insisted on divorce. She didn't entirely understand why. I told her then, that's why. Your daughter was nearly grown and he left you for someone who wanted someone who showed a little enthusiasm towards him, not a roommate or a robotic maid who can't cook.
Moving on, yesterday had lengthy conversations with 2 hispanic women. Not perfect english, but no worse than most moron Americans. One is quite pretty, lives locally, a microbiologist (hard to find women with a good job that aren't lefties), nice legs, can't get a good read on her body in the pics/dress. The other lives in Ocala, is athletic and visibly has a great body, not as naturally pretty as the other, but attractive. But she talks weirdly.....sometimes almost in yoda like riddles that's not very direct.
Most of the out of town one's fizzle out after a week or two, even 30 minutes can be a pain in the ass. But she doesn't have any kids, so maybe it's easier. A woman in her 40s with kids is a tough one. On one hand, YES!!! Not dealing with someone else's pain in the ass? Awesome. But it also makes me question a woman who never had kids. Most of the ones I've met are pretty narcissistic and a lot of them flat out didn't like kids. So naturally I'm like, "If you say you don't like kids, why the fuck would you talk to a man with a kid?? You think he wants that around his kid?" She's said no such thing and I haven't asked though. I'm just rambling because I'm bored.
Cool story bro.
Being that it's been 9 months since my last real relationship, it's entirely possible I revert back to using damaged hot chicks for a while. Even if it is empty, it's a good self esteem boost