Evil gator said:
What isotope was used to date these footprints?
No idea. But Archeologists/academia uses "science" the same way liberals do with COVID.
"FOLLOW THE SCIENCE" unless it contradicts our narrative.
I see it constantly. Discoveries destroy the narrative of their funding and life long lies and they find a way to first discredit the same carbon dating as they use to justify their own theories. Or even worse, something absolutely absurd, their go to is, "BUT WHERE ARE THE STONE TOOLS?".
Footprints? Can't be reliably dated like sites where they found arrowheads, so they'll dismiss it. The mammoth butcher site dated to 40,000 years ago that showed clear signs of manipulation, breakage, and scraping to get the marrow out of the bones? The dating is wrong and it can't be a butcher site because we found no stone tools.
Fuck I hate academics.