Evil gator said:
i think if people stayed for the adventure or laziness its okay to mock them. I feel bad if they were too poor to easily leave ala Katrina.
I think its okay to have a conversation that maybe some areas like floodplains below sea level and barrier islands maybe shouldn't be rebuilt.
Hard to say. They would have gotten hit a good bit anyway, but it did turn earlier than it was supposed to. And it jumped pretty quick in strength. It wasn’t supposed to be that bad and by the time they said it would, roads would be so jammed they’d have drowned in their cars. That area really hasn’t seen a real hurricane in 50 years. They just get brushed by. Everyone assumed it would just go on up to Tampa like it has historically done (in our memory).
The woman I’m currently talking to is from a town a few miles north of Ft Meyers and she told me the stories her family told her today. Didn’t sound like a pleasant experience a few miles inland either. Apparently they lost nearly every head of cattle on the ranch.