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you folks

Evil gator said:
Yeah when I drink I sound like I’m from north Kentucky because of the hillbillies I grew up and partied with growing up - it’s a big hit in DC

We moved from eastern KY to Jax early in the third grade and I got kidded a lot about my hillbilly accent. Picked up a southern one over the years and when I go back to KY to visit relatives, they kid me about my southern accent. :-P
I moved to south florida from New York when I was 5. I grew up speaking with a new York accent that slowly was replaced with whatever shit accent south florida has.

I still throw out some NY shit when I'm drunk though.
Irish Mike said:
I moved to south florida from New York when I was 5. I grew up speaking with a new York accent that slowly was replaced with whatever shit accent south florida has.

I still throw out some NY shit when I'm drunk though.

S FL accent is called asshole.
Juggs said:
Irish Mike said:
I moved to south florida from New York when I was 5. I grew up speaking with a new York accent that slowly was replaced with whatever shit accent south florida has.

I still throw out some NY shit when I'm drunk though.

S FL accent is called asshole.

I haven't updated the pirate ship in a while. Here are some pics. I've been pretty busy with other things, so haven't finished it yet, but still... progress has been made!



Juggs said:
Nice. That's just awesome.

I had been considering building my daughter an elevated play house, but I'm not sure how much she'd use it without me running electricity to it :lol:

We have a few strands of these, that I'm going to run over to it - it has a plug in the end so you can connect more lights, so that's how I will at least get a plug for lights wherever she wants on the ship.

I got the plans from here: https://paulsplayhouses.com/. He's got a ton of other designs.
DocZaius said:
Juggs said:
Nice. That's just awesome.

I had been considering building my daughter an elevated play house, but I'm not sure how much she'd use it without me running electricity to it :lol:

We have a few strands of these, that I'm going to run over to it - it has a plug in the end so you can connect more lights, so that's how I will at least get a plug for lights wherever she wants on the ship.

I got the plans from here: https://paulsplayhouses.com/. He's got a ton of other designs.
Oh, she wouldn't be too worried about lighting. She'd want to make sure she can plug in her tablet and probably run a fan or heater :lol:

My location in the city makes for a shtity place for a treehouse style playhouse though. Hide out in your treehouse and watch the cars drive by on 39th :facepalm: