Evil gator said:
This is incredible as are the comments
The constitutional rights of “any age”
Way to talk out both sides of her mouth.
Kids have a "right" to life, freedom, etc. The basics. Kids don't have rights past that because they aren't old enough to know right from wrong or healthy and positive vs. unhealthy and negative. In a somewhat related note, I have to share this....
So last night I started helping my kid do a geography poster board with 6 categories. It had sections like Economy and Government, only how it applied to their household. Well she chose my house instead of her moms because the family category is much easier to do on a house of 2

Less to write. Anyway, she had to choose between things like, "Do you live in a command or free market?" "Do you live in an oligarchy, dictatorship, democracy, or aristocracy?"
Now it's going to be obvious I helped her with this because I can't help myself, but I teach her life isn't black and white and things are almost always a mixture of everything (and sometimes I want to take a jab at the teacher). Her Government section basically says, "While America is a Republic (he didn't list Republic in the list, so this is one of those jabs), the household is a combination of democracy and dictatorship. We decide together where to go on vacation and things like that. But when it comes to rules, what's good for me, and what I'm allowed to do, watch, or read, it's a dictatorship".
I did something similar with Economy. It's a combo. She has the freedom to spend her money on what she wants. However, I ultimately control it if I determine she's wasting her money to an obscene level or if she's going to get conned, then I have to step in".