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Politics Woke links

the death of academia is something I never really considered happening. When I was in school there were still enough old timers who had gone to school on the GI bill and had been in Nam or whatever and weren't entirely soft lefties. Now its pretty stunning.
Juggs said:
Good God. Kids forced to go to a drag show in Tucson and they do not look happy


I honestly don't know why people take their kids to these at all.

My wife and I decided not to watch She-Hulk with the kids because they talk about Captain America's sex life and our six-year-old isn't ready for that kind of discussion yet. Same thing, in my mind. Don't get me wrong, I don't see the appeal of drag shows even for gay adults, but an adult can make his/her/xim/xer own choices - a kid can't.
I love how it’s “alleged” because If it’s the cartoon of the guy sucking another guy off it’s not appropriate for any school

Yeah there's no reason for that to be in a school library. At a standalone library? Totally fine as long as it is considered restricted reading.
DocZaius said:

Good God.

Did you read the reply? They followed up with a screencap from 1977 of their position, which says all that.

I tried to reply, "So you were ahead of your time in utter stupidity. Good job?" But I forgot I was suspended.
This is incredible as are the comments


The constitutional rights of “any age”
the coverage of parents wanting to keep porn out of libraries their kids use is absolutely amazing and shows the media bias so strongly


Make the opponents ridiculous and or dangerous, not people who are responding reasonably to something that is actually happening all over. make the librarian, who is being paid by the local taxpayers, into a victim of pitchfork wielding nutcases! She has a nervous TIC now from people asking her questions!!!

Parents: we'd like you to get rid of the porn for kids
LOL you hayseeds we don't have any of those!
Parents: Cool - don't get them okay?
Evil gator said:
This is incredible as are the comments


The constitutional rights of “any age”

Way to talk out both sides of her mouth.

Kids have a "right" to life, freedom, etc. The basics. Kids don't have rights past that because they aren't old enough to know right from wrong or healthy and positive vs. unhealthy and negative. In a somewhat related note, I have to share this....

So last night I started helping my kid do a geography poster board with 6 categories. It had sections like Economy and Government, only how it applied to their household. Well she chose my house instead of her moms because the family category is much easier to do on a house of 2 :lol: Less to write. Anyway, she had to choose between things like, "Do you live in a command or free market?" "Do you live in an oligarchy, dictatorship, democracy, or aristocracy?"

Now it's going to be obvious I helped her with this because I can't help myself, but I teach her life isn't black and white and things are almost always a mixture of everything (and sometimes I want to take a jab at the teacher). Her Government section basically says, "While America is a Republic (he didn't list Republic in the list, so this is one of those jabs), the household is a combination of democracy and dictatorship. We decide together where to go on vacation and things like that. But when it comes to rules, what's good for me, and what I'm allowed to do, watch, or read, it's a dictatorship".

I did something similar with Economy. It's a combo. She has the freedom to spend her money on what she wants. However, I ultimately control it if I determine she's wasting her money to an obscene level or if she's going to get conned, then I have to step in".
ha I have a feeling Sheryl would shit her pants if informed that owning a gun is also a constitutional right, does she believe kids deserve unfettered access to those as well as porn?

Yeah its a dipshit response - there shouldn't be porn available to kids just as you shouldn't leave guns lying around.
Evil gator said:
ha I have a feeling Sheryl would shit her pants if informed that owning a gun is also a constitutional right, does she believe kids deserve unfettered access to those as well as porn?

Yeah its a dipshit response - there shouldn't be porn available to kids just as you shouldn't leave guns lying around.

I leave my gun lying around. My carry piece sits on my nightstand (no round in the chamber) :lol:

Of course my daughter has played in gut piles and seen first hand what a bullet does. She wouldn't dare touch it (and has no desire to). I may rethink that when she gets older, particularly if friends are over if I'm not here. Since I'm always here with her at this age, it's not an issue yet.

As with all things, it's entirely situational. And education is critical. If you treat guns as taboo and never educate your child about them, you shouldn't have them either, IMO. Part of the responsibility of owning guns is to make sure those who are around them are educated about them as well.
well exactly, its for the parent to determine the maturity of the kid and educate them - whether its going to an R rated movie or explaining how a gun works and how to shoot. Constitutional rights are for adults. That librarian is ridiculous to imply otherwise.
Read an article that perfectly explains these younger generations. It was about "quietly quitting" and featured a teacher who was whining about teachers who were underpaid and overworked, so she slowly reduced her work load. Stopped grading papers, stopped taking work home, left on the dot, etc. They tried to differentiate between that and doing just enough to not get fired. Then they eventually quit when they've gotten enough money saved up, back into school, or a new job or whatever. And people are applauding this, especially with teachers.

Yeah, just what our kids need. More teachers doing a half assed job while you claim it benefits the kids. Yep, not grading most of the papers and letting a kid pass or fail based solely on your tests is doing the kids a GREAT service. Not knowing if they're doing it right or wrong until a test? Fucking Christ you lunatics. They also praised the Unions int he article, so...go figure.
the teachers unions and a lot of school systems seem to have created a really bad situation. States that are allowing the money to follow the student and not the school system are on the right track.
California will vote in today law to ban all gas powered vehicles by 2035.

Soooo, they're fighting climate change by making everyone charge their electric cars they can't afford with electricity powered by fossil fuels? Fuck the retardation.
they have a lot of the materials to produce evs and the infrastructure needed in the state, but their laws make it pretty much impossible to open a new mine. so it will all come from slave or child labor in china or poor countries.