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Politics Woke links

Just watched a painfully stupid video with Steven Crowder interviewing people in Texas about Roe vs Wade. As usual, most people are retards like you expect, but this couple towards the end....wow. A 21 year old girl with a "Practice Love" shirt on has the most hateful look on her face the entire time as she says abortion is fine through 9 months because the baby is dependent on the mother for nutrients. When pointed out babies out of the womb are still dependent on the mother, she has no words other than "But they're not inside and we have baby formula". Is a baby going to open a bottle and feed itself? Which of course led to states are going to ban contraceptives!! Then the "human rights" major boyfriend admits he's "progressive" and he's entitled to have free housing and healthcare because he can't afford it. Yay socialists!

Fucking hell the entitlement and stupidity of that generation is astounding.
Wow this is insane like poisoned Tylenol drop and entirely avoidable

pg. said:
And because they opposed a bill to prevent teachers from talking about sex to grade schoolers. What a blow to gay and trans rights!

By "they", the whackjob CEO who brainwashed her 4 year old into being "pansexual" when the kid can't even pronounce the word and 10 random employees. Far more Disney employees have stepped up to say it's all horse shit and it's killed their love for the job.

I use to be very Libertarian about the whole gay/trans rights...didn't care, they don't affect me, so who cares. Now all this extremist over the less than 1% of the population who are truly trans. Now I think we'd be better off, instead of changing laws and forcing all this absurdity down our and our children's throats for this tiny brain damaged portion of the population, if we just round them all up and killed them.

I'm ready to go Spartan. Off the cliff you bitches.
Evil gator said:

It's such white supremacy to make blacks multi-millionaires for playing a game they love and never having to actually work for a living while they bang white chicks every night.

Come on Ministry of Truth, why isn't this censored.
Juggs said:
pg. said:
And because they opposed a bill to prevent teachers from talking about sex to grade schoolers. What a blow to gay and trans rights!

By "they", the whackjob CEO who brainwashed her 4 year old into being "pansexual" when the kid can't even pronounce the word and 10 random employees. Far more Disney employees have stepped up to say it's all horse shit and it's killed their love for the job.

I use to be very Libertarian about the whole gay/trans rights...didn't care, they don't affect me, so who cares. Now all this extremist over the less than 1% of the population who are truly trans. Now I think we'd be better off, instead of changing laws and forcing all this absurdity down our and our children's throats for this tiny brain damaged portion of the population, if we just round them all up and killed them.

I'm ready to go Spartan. Off the cliff you bitches.

Most people don't give a shit if you identify as an attack helicopter, but when you start pushing their kids into your fetish behind thier backs or start waving your rotor around in the women's locker room, then you're damn right people are going to start pushing back.
52:20 said:
the one in the green suit looks like it has a dick, does it have a dick?

She's very pretty but would obviously look a million times better without the extra weight.
52:20 said:
the one in the green suit looks like it has a dick, does it have a dick?

SI already had a tranny last year: https://www.cnn.com/style/article/leyna-bloom-black-asian-transgender-sports-illustrated/index.html

Next year, the model will be a furry.
pg. said:
Not woke but saw they came out with an amputee Barbie with a prosthetic leg.

Babylon Bee says they are coming out with a preggo Ken doll.

I think the disabled dolls make a lot of sense.

preggo ken is ridic. how confused are people making kids?
Evil gator said:
who would you rather? Last year's tranny or this year's chub?

That’s a really really easy one, the chubbs of course, I think we’ve all probably been there before(doing a chub, no choosing between the two)
Back in 6th grade, we had that 1 period sex ed class about reproduction, condoms, etc.

Today begins a few days straight of this class for my daughter's 5th grade class. DAYS. How is that necessary? I'm letting her mom handle a lot of the more personal stuff for obvious reasons. But I did make it a point this morning that if she hears anything at all that sounds odd or wrong, like men getting pregnant or any of this trans crap (she's seen them in public and whens he asked why they'd do that, I make it clear they're social rejects who are crying out for someone to finally pay attention to them), to let me know.

It's illegal to discuss such things now thanks to Desantis, but Alachua Co. already fought and illegally defied him during COVID, so it wouldn't be the most surprising thing to see if someone tries to slide this woke bullshit in. I will 100% get them fired if they try to sneak any of it in.

Also, I think these classes should be recorded and made available to the parents so we know exactly what they're telling our kids.