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Politics Woke links

Juggs said:
DocZaius said:
James Gunn, no stranger to being canceled himself, fires back at dickheads calling to cancel Chris Pratt:


Good for him. Never apologize to these fuckers, never give in.

Good. Particularly his 2nd tweet that goes further to point out they're just repeating lies they heard with no actual knowledge.

It's absolutely fucking insanity for people to cancel Pratt simply because he's a Christian. He's never once stated any views that he's accused of.

Now, it's not impossible that the church has views that being gay isn't natural or is a sin per the Bible. But having grown up in the church and started going again the last couple years, I've never heard homsexuality addressed by a pastor. There's bigger shit to talk about. Churches don't stand up in front of congregations and go on gay rants. It's just not a thing no matter how much the left wants to pretend it is. And most Christians, while yes often hypocrites incapable of practicing what they preach, don't seem to care all that much about gays. In my experience, they don't agree with it, but they don't talk about it either.

Apparently he's a member of some church that shares the same name as an Australian church. The Aussie church leadership has said some homophobic things in the past, NOT Pratt's church. But that hasn't stopped idiots from trying to cancel him for it.
I can't recall where I saw it, hope it wasn't here, but there's a west coast transwoman therapist who helps people through their transition. She's now being cancelled because as a trans, she's not allowed to say that most minors who identify as trans are doing so out of peer pressure, attention seeking, and being an outcast among their own sex or not attracting those who they're attracted. Basically for all the wrong reasons and that's why they shouldn't be having surgery or starting hormones, most especially without lengthy sessions with a therapist to verify what they're feeling is real.

Granted, there are many therapists who are going to validate their wrong feelings because they're woke.....but those therapist should also have their license revoked.
Juggs said:
Don’t have the link, but Desantis gets his first kill. Pansexual teacher fired for discussing orientation with her students.

Article said she was fired before the law. She was teaching middle school, so not as bad as kindergarteners, but still not needed.

Juggs said:
Don’t have the link, but Desantis gets his first kill. Pansexual teacher fired for discussing orientation with her students.

Story says she was fired before he signed the bill. This was just plain old pissed off parents.
Evil gator said:
I can’t see any other reason to talk to a kid about sex

Any kind of sex, what they fail to understand is that it we aren't just upset that they are talking about non hetero, we don't think the schools should be teaching 6 year olds about any kind of sex.
Irish Mike said:
I want my kids to learn about sex the same way I did.

Late night Cinemax.

Crawling into the living room while my parents were watching Revenge of the nerds.
52:20 said:
Evil gator said:
I can’t see any other reason to talk to a kid about sex

Any kind of sex, what they fail to understand is that it we aren't just upset that they are talking about non hetero, we don't think the schools should be teaching 6 year olds about any kind of sex.

Yep. Liberals won’t let kids be kids. No innocence for you! The worlds problems are your problems at 6 years old.
My dad was in Vietnam when i asked my mom how you got a baby. Big pause and she said you just pray honey. Guess I needed a teacher to fill me in, so to speak. And the closest we had to SkineMax was National Geographic or one time I found German nudist magazines under my brother's mattress.
You guys please read this insane shit that happened here.


Black parents complain an exercise is racist, it gets reported as racist white administrators coming up with insensitive exercise, but it turns out it was a dumb crt anti racist exercise they paid for but zero correction. Ffs
Wait, thought the woke tards were all about believing in science, there were tons of those signs in yards here during Covid. If that’s the case, doesn’t science / biology clearly identify gender? Maybe Juggs can kill a doe and claim it’s a trans buck?
Tommy said:
Wait, thought the woke tards were all about believing in science, there were tons of those signs in yards here during Covid. If that’s the case, doesn’t science / biology clearly identify gender? Maybe Juggs can kill a doe and claim it’s a trans buck?
Not a bad idea. I could use that since next year I'll have to hunt on state lands.
Tommy said:
Wait, thought the woke tards were all about believing in science, there were tons of those signs in yards here during Covid. If that’s the case, doesn’t science / biology clearly identify gender? Maybe Juggs can kill a doe and claim it’s a trans buck?

I’ve been saying for many years, science is their religion until it’s inconvenient

Something fuzzy and undefinable like race is core, but actual body parts mean nothing tom