I’ve never been to a range! Just shot in the woods like a bumpkin
Ditto, well not what people think of as a range. We have 2 main ranges here. 1 is indoor, so only handgun caliber. I'd hate indoor ranges for the noise and feeling like your ass to elbow with strangers.
The other is stupid expensive to become a member, but unless you become a member, they restrict all the good ranges. I could pay $30 to go into the day, but day visitors aren't allowed on the self defense pistol distances, not allowed to use the 100 yard range that I'd use to zero a scope.
All my shooting that wasn't hunting was done at my parents before they moved to TN. Now the best range I've found is in Lake City....and calling it a range is, well, it's a big cleared area surrounded by berms and a little shelter to shoot from. So yeah it's a range, but probably not the range you think of