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If we had a normal Pub running a professional campaign, would there be so much unhinged hate for the Pub candidate? I’m starting to think if Trump loses, and he very well might, it’s not the end of the world, at least we’ll be done with Trump, i think Vance would absolutely wreck Harris if he were the candidate
Anybody but trump beats Kamala no problem. Not saying Trump is going to lose, but the only person I had any confidence he could beat was Biden.
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Agree on both, but the Kamala love is clearly manufactured. Her approval rating was abysmal, then they anoint her and suddenly everyone does a 180? Bullshit, that's media and rigged polls.

There's a reason she hasn't been asked a single policy question since being anointed, her website has zero policy positions, and right now she won't debate. There are only 2 reasons for this - One is that they intend to replace her at the DNC with someone who isn't loathed or they're relying 100% on the "hide her in a basement" and just let Trump hate and propaganda do the job.
Just as he was getting some momentum with the black vote, he goes on with a far left black “journalist” and brings up Kamala’s convenient blackness. There’s a time and a place for that, that just got him more negativity.
Just as he was getting some momentum with the black vote, he goes on with a far left black “journalist” and brings up Kamala’s convenient blackness. There’s a time and a place for that, that just got him more negativity.
You need video to go along with it and go 100% on it. Him making a half assed comment only hurts him. Now if he asked that journalist how they felt about Kamala not being African American and being raised in an affluent household, showing clips of her speaking in proper English and then cut to a clip of her speaking to blacks where she tries to go ghetto on them. Ask how they aren't offended by that or how that's not racist at worst, at best intentionally dishonest.
Harris could have had a popular governor from a purple state that could have made it blue. but sadly he’s a Jew. Have to please the pro Hamas wing of the dem party
Look Bush is legit evil. She grifted and spread lies during the michael brown riots - that police were shooting rioters. Blm summer was huge for her and she got elected on bigotry. She defunded the police and spent money on security, like most dems paid her family and side piece from congressional funds. Fuck her and her weave
Look Bush is legit evil. She grifted and spread lies during the michael brown riots - that police were shooting rioters. Blm summer was huge for her and she got elected on bigotry. She defunded the police and spent money on security, like most dems paid her family and side piece from congressional funds. Fuck her and her weave
Didn't she also funnel money, embezzle, to her husband?