Politics Politics

I haven't looked, I'm probably unfriend now (I was going to do it anyway), but AG posted on FB one of the "He's weird" basic memes about Vance and cat ladies.

I replied with nothing but a couple pictures. One a drag queen with no undies flashing the kid in front of him at story time and another one holding the leash to 3 men with their fetish dog stuff on kneeling on the floor. I should have come across this one first....

Saw some clip of a D representative saying that if Trump wins, come Jan 6 25, Congress has to delegitimatize Trump's win. And SCOTUS, who has great protection (the protest of Roe v Wade would disagree) and not enough cases to keep them busy, need to support Congress in the 14th Amendment.

He said "We need civil war like conditions and bodyguards, Trump cannot take office".

Openly saying it.
If we had a normal Pub running a professional campaign, would there be so much unhinged hate for the Pub candidate? I’m starting to think if Trump loses, and he very well might, it’s not the end of the world, at least we’ll be done with Trump, i think Vance would absolutely wreck Harris if he were the candidate