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So why don't those who were smart enough to get degrees in fields that actually matter get anything?

Oh, that's right. Liberal mentality is to punish those who make good choices and reward those who make shitty ones.
I saw a buzzfeed article a day or two agp making fun of people who are upset about spending tax payers dollars paying off student loans. The general theme was that its the same as people getting upset over people who died of diseases that later had vaccines.

The mentality is so far off base it's maddening. A: taking on a student loan is a choice, catching a disease is not B: they totally disregard that it's tax payer money and feel entitled to it
I mean there’s something to be said about predatory loans and why the government is pushing them and allowing the costs to skyrocket. But if you pay off loans those problems will get worse.

Other than STEM so many degrees seem stupid now. I looked at starting salaries when picking a major and I was a complete idiot.

The idea of making working class people pay off the poor judgement of mostly uppper middle class idiots is terrible.
Comments, doc?


Racism aside, Biden and his administration have zero business experience and have no idea what they are talking about - they are significantly worse than even Obama’s in this respect - no wonder they have completely destroyed a great economy
Evil gator said:
I mean there’s something to be said about predatory loans and why the government is pushing them and allowing the costs to skyrocket. But if you pay off loans those problems will get worse.

Other than STEM so many degrees seem stupid now. I looked at starting salaries when picking a major and I was a complete idiot.

The idea of making working class people pay off the poor judgement of mostly uppper middle class idiots is terrible.

Yes, the ease at getting a loan is stupid, may have seen it here, but Musk tweeted that it's wrong for an 18 year old to be denied a $10K loan to start a business, but give that same kid a $100K student loan. Easy loans is a big reason education has gotten so expensive as well. The end of the day, it's still their choice, I shouldn't be on the hook for that.
Evil gator said:
Comments, doc?

In my experience, the white entrepreneur usually doesn't have a lawyer either, at least when we're talking about small businesses.

But to dissect that tweet - if there's no difference in success except the white guy had a lawyer... doesn't that make the black guy more successful because he did it without one?
Is this like all the experts who said that the Hunter Biden laptop was Russian misinfo? Or that trump was a Russian asset? Or that the bbb wouldn’t make inflation worse? Or that Covid didn’t come from a lab?
As dumb as “I can see Russia from my porch” or anything an R says, but no one from msm bats an eye. If you call it out you’re racist and misogynist

Anyone hear the Harris rant from the other day when she was asked who was really President? She blamed republicans for like 5 different failures that have all happened under their administration. Yep, all the Republicans fault for everything going to hell under Democrat policies
My fave part was when her comms person pretended the link was down when he asked who was the real president was joe Biden or joe manchin? like, if you can’t handle that wtf are you doing
Yeah. I can't listen to it right now, but I read an article that went along with that clip. Dunno if that clip covers it all

That's where she also told a black man to stop talking like a republican :facepalm: